lewischan 發表於 2013-1-31 23:18:33

2013.4.21 Round the Island (RTI) 64K

大會網址 http://www.avohk.org/index.php?_room=16&_subRoom=25
報名表: http://www.avohk.org/admin/index ... chment&media_id=737

Round the Island2013 Race Sunday April 21st

This is an annual ultra distance event of approx 64k, founded by former AVOHKer and longtime Hong Kong resident Tony Gover.Over the years the route has been modified and now is a figure "8" from the sitting out area at Wong Nai Chung Gap/Tai Tam Reservoir Road junction. The route follows catchwater's and country park paths around Hong Kong island with as short a distance as possible on main roads. "True Grit" runners cover the entire course themselves. There is also a "Whimp" category for pairs of runners who wish to share the distance or run it in relay fashion. This event features one of the more eclectic of our finisher T-shirts, every runner has their name printed on the shirt.
The start and finish is in the lower sitting out area between the public carpark and Sir Cecils Ride on Tai Tam Reservoir Road at Wong Nai Chung Gap. You choose your start time (the starts are every 15 mins from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.) to allow you to finish between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. If you finish before 2 p.m., your time will be recorded as if you finished at 2 p.m.The finish, however, closes at 6 p.m. so that our volunteers can get home.We ask that you respect this time and if you are unable to finish by 6.00pm you withdraw from the event.

The course is marked with blue dots with three dots in a triangle at each junction

This event resembles a time trial and is not a race, runners are NOT permitted to use any mobile aid station.The following should be used as a guide to your time for TRUE GRIT - Marathon Time x 2If you compete as WHIMPS, the CHANGEOVER point is at the Start/Finish.

In ODD YEARS the route starts on the north side of the island and heads EASTWARDS, clockwise towards Mount Parker, Shek O and returns to the checkpoint via Tai Tam and Violet Hill. The course then continues on the south side of the island going WESTWARDS, clockwise along Lady Clementis ride, the Aberdeen country park, Pok Fu Lam Country Park, mid-levels and then returns along Bowen Road.

In EVEN YEARS the route starts on north side of the island and heads WESTWARDS, anti-clockwise towards mid-levels and returns to the checkpoint via the Aberdeen catchment , Lady Clementis, Deep Water Bay Road. The course then continues on the south side of the island, going EASTWARDS, anti-clockwise along the face of Violet Hill towards Tai Tam, along the Catchwater below Shek O Roadcrossing at the Hobbie Steps , trail to Tai Tam Road near the Crematorium and then more trailvia Mount Parker returning onSir Cecil's Ride.

Although there are checkpoints and aid stations entrants also need to ensure they have enough water and supplies for the route.You are advised to carry a mobile phone, octopus and some money in case you drop out.RTI Rules here and Instructions here
Basic Maps in .jpeg format East Loop andWest LoopRTI entry islimited to 300 people , Entries are acknowledged by email only.Ensure you write your name clearly as it is printed on the event t shirt.Pick up thenumber bib on event morning and register your start time on the morning also.There are male and female categories in the true gritwith age groups, in the whimps teams can be male, female or mixed and again there are age groups.Prizes awarded to winners in all categories and runners up if the number of entries in a category is sufficient.
Approximately 3 weeks after the event there is a RTI party where all who finished within the time limit receive their medal and t shirtand prize winners are awarded trophy's.There is also a lucky draw and buffet meal, the 2013 party will be on Wednesday 8 May at the Mariners Club, Middle Road, TST.Booking form available with race entry confirmation and on race day.

raccon_mama 發表於 2013-2-1 08:50:23

好值得玩的比賽, 去年我挑戰失敗, 超左半小時, 其實之前自已只係一條友試過一次路, 沿途藍點指示好清楚, 再加上網上有心人(好似我都係在呢個forum睇到)影晒成條route, 基本上都唔驚蕩失. 而且過引在同一條路線, 一年順走, 一年逆走, 有心思的安排!!

lewischan 發表於 2013-3-5 22:42:12


raccon_mama 發表於 2013-3-5 23:53:56

:victory:我收左confirmation e mail la:lol.想問clockwise / anti clockwise好跑 d ne?上年上那個土地公灣d石級時,真係極痛苦

Gary-Kwan 發表於 2013-3-8 22:50:09

我都收左confirmation e mail :lol

成記士多 發表於 2013-3-9 18:39:32

Gary-Kwan 發表於 2013-3-8 22:50 static/image/common/back.gif
我都收左confirmation e mail


JACKSO 發表於 2013-3-15 15:45:26


musicgod 發表於 2013-3-15 21:37:36


orgafish 發表於 2013-3-22 15:45:08




lewischan 發表於 2013-3-22 17:18:27

orgafish 發表於 2013-3-22 15:45 static/image/common/back.gif


加油,我會跟D師兄試走 !

GO! 發表於 2013-3-23 17:53:51

一早報咗,仲未收到confirmation 電郵:(

musicgod 發表於 2013-3-23 19:40:48

orgafish 發表於 2013-3-22 15:45 static/image/common/back.gif


me too!!

orgafish 發表於 2013-3-25 15:49:37

lewischan 發表於 2013-3-22 17:18 static/image/common/back.gif
加油,我會跟D師兄試走 !


raccon_mama 發表於 2013-3-26 18:26:03

orgafish 發表於 2013-3-25 15:49 static/image/common/back.gif
如果跟唔到人,希望唔好蕩失路 ...

跟著地下藍點走, 路口位都有三點前進指示的, 成條路不算太難找, 當然如果有時間試路會好好多!

orgafish 發表於 2013-3-27 11:37:17

raccon_mama 發表於 2013-3-26 18:26 static/image/common/back.gif
跟著地下藍點走, 路口位都有三點前進指示的, 成條路不算太難找, 當然如果有時間試路會好好多! ...

raccon_mama, 如果真係跟唔到 d 藍點,唯有等後上既跑友到再跟住跑啦。我一早起步,相信大把人俾我跟

ppcau 發表於 2013-3-28 17:20:42

我是第一次參加RTI, 想問各位ching 幾點出發? 可否一起起步, 我無經驗我怕會迷路.....唔該

musicgod 發表於 2013-4-2 00:57:20


raccon_mama 發表於 2013-4-3 13:36:30

前日跑左細圈, 好似未重噴, 有d位真係幾淺色, 如果第一年玩, 時間係剛剛好果種 (大會個indicator , FM x 2, 真係幾準)同埋如果少走港島徑,試路一定好有幫助.    我都係好慢, 6:00start, 好驚唔知醒.希望明日唔好甘密雨, 要去試埋大圈.   

musicgod 發表於 2013-4-3 14:10:01

raccon_mama 發表於 2013-4-3 13:36 static/image/common/back.gif
前日跑左細圈, 好似未重噴, 有d位真係幾淺色, 如果第一年玩, 時間係剛剛好果種 (大會個indicator , FM x 2, ...

we are going to time East Loop tmr. ETA 6 hours to complete. Care to join?

raccon_mama 發表於 2013-4-3 18:35:31

musicgod 發表於 2013-4-3 14:10 static/image/common/back.gif
we are going to time East Loop tmr. ETA 6 hours to complete. Care to join?

Oh, tks Music Ching/Ctse invitation!! 但我真係好慢, ETA 7 hours 起碼, 我試行仲會不停影下相, 所以can't join yr group la.我預明日知醒 9:00前start,我到時照計會穿 Lantau 2 peaks條紅色衫, 如你地見一個傻婆在路上hea下 hea下果個就是我喇, 希望到時撞到大家say hi la~~:lol

btw, 我次次行過金夫人引水道旁都被那個的手寫溫提 "這邊有I.I. ,多d人先好行" 嚇親, hahaha (好在藍點不是往那條小路)~~
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查看完整版本: 2013.4.21 Round the Island (RTI) 64K
