musicgod 發表於 2013-4-25 15:15:16

2013.10.18-19 Barclays MoonTrekker

This year event will be held on Friday 18th - 19th October.

Registrations open next month and will be capped at 1300 participants.

MoonTrekker starts from Mui Wo Lantau Island at 9pm/11pm with two races; 27km or 40km taking trekkers across Lantau Island aiming to summit Lantau Peak before sunrise.

akaivan 發表於 2013-4-25 20:19:37

Link is dead. =(

musicgod 發表於 2013-4-26 00:32:25


raccon_mama 發表於 2013-4-26 12:53:04

...... 大會舊年送過防水袋超正......check point 同finish point 又有冰凍可樂任飲..............(我認我係一個貪小便宜的參加者..........):lol

musicgod 發表於 2013-4-26 13:47:18


JACKSO 發表於 2013-5-18 12:06:20

上一年8星期先滿, 今年4日就Full,好在報倒 !!:lol:lol:victory:

raccon_mama 發表於 2013-5-20 13:06:21

真係超快爆.......開始好擔心今年個d HK100 / HK50 series / TNF100 / SCM.....全部因為自己手慢無得玩...:o

ChowChow 發表於 2013-5-23 21:59:56

4日先full唔叫快啦, 渣打嗰啲1日無晒

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