Run2012 發表於 2014-2-8 23:04:08

有無人用開 activity tracker?

例如 Nike fuelband, Fitbit, Jawbone, etc? :)


rl0497 發表於 2014-2-9 00:38:42

我係Nike fuelband嘅user,剛啱用咗一年,老實講,只係一個貪得意嘅產品嚟啫,除非有人同你鬥吓,否則我覺得用途不大,如果為咗推動自己去訓練,一隻好嘅GPS跑步用手錶反而幫到你。我覺得track你嘅activities作用唔太大。而家我只係當條手帶係手錶咁用啫。

calip 發表於 2014-2-20 15:02:27

本帖最後由 calip 於 2014-2-20 15:03 編輯

Am using 1, the polar loop and I use Garmin watch as well.

Currently, I am using Garmin for running record, while I wear Polar Loop for the rest of the day (sleep and walk). Feel so far so good. The activity tracker gives you a feeling how active you are in normal daily life. I see it as a motivator for me to move more besides my running section, also, it records my training in gym (by wearing a HR strap)

Longfung 發表於 2014-2-22 11:43:20

我係jawbone up用家,個人認為當玩具幾好,知道自己邊人郁少左,訓少左

ampm6170 發表於 2014-5-24 08:33:05

我都想買polar loop送俾人,唔知有無人用開?
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