zaku 發表於 2014-6-25 12:29:04

Foot pod問題

本帖最後由 zaku 於 2014-6-25 12:30 編輯

我本身用緊Suunto Ambit2S 做GPS tracking,但發覺每次去到一些gps收唔到或訊號弱既環境,例如入隧道之後,個tracking就開始唔準。通常會count多約500meter。
我有冇需要買多隻Foot pod來cover番呢個問題呢?


Ah_Wing 發表於 2014-6-26 08:33:49

I have the Ambit2R without footpod. In theory it should work but it did not work for me when running on treadmill (no gps), this is because I tend to shorten my stride when running on the treadmill, so the cadence/stride estimate based on outdoor running can not be applied correctly.

I use a website to store my running logs which allow me to manually edit the lap times and distance, so I don't worry about such inaccuracies from the watch (this feature is most useful for running laps on standard tracks, or routes of known distances). Manufacturer sites such as garmin connect and movecounts don't allow users to do that.
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