小叻 發表於 2015-12-23 10:13:05


清邁馬拉松, 一個不能提供公平比賽和正確成績的馬拉松, 請大家三思後再考慮參加!
唔好意思, 未得閒打中文, 睇住英文先~

I joined the Chiangmai Marathon last Sunday (20.12.2015) and would like to share my unhappy experience.
The organization was not bad. Pick up of race pack was smooth. The start was in order and many food stalls provided after race. The event Tee and finisher tee was great.

However, it got a big demerit, which was lack of timing detector on most of the u-turns. There was only 1 timing mat at around 10k. There were u-turns at around 17k, 22.5k, 26.5k & 30k, but only a hair band of different colour was given at each u-turns.

The race was started at 4am in the dark and there are lots of chances for short cuts!
Although I didn't notice any cheating before I complete the marathon, my friends saw many runners walk to the other side of the road to short cut.

Moreover, as I was started at the front row and not much female participants had overtaken me, I was expected to be ranked the first 8 or below. It was so surprise that I became 15th overall and ranked 9th in my age group!

I did keep an eye on the u-turns to find my competitors ahead. It was found around 5 to 8 ladies only on the way. So there were 5 to 8 ladies appeared suddenly after 30km! One way of the cheaters could be simply run the 1st 10km and last few km as the hair bands were not checked at the finishing point. Another method was the number bib was carried by a male runner and replaced the runner before reaching the finishing line.

Moreover, 2 of my friends who ran the half marathon encountered the same experiences.
Perhaps the prize money attracted those cheaters. However, if the race organizers place timing mats on each u-turns should help!

Since the race organizers failed to post up the official results to the public, I was not able to appeal. I felt a bit disappointed and annoying as I had tried my best to run but could not get a fair result.
I had run the other marathons in Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket marathon but did not encounter such cheating problem.

l've emailed and urged the organizer to

1. Find out the potential cheating runners (by photos, the only timing figures, witnesses) and apply punishment on them.

2. Correct the results if possible.

3. Improve their timing practice and find a way to eliminate the cheats in the future.

Hence, I would like to remind Hong Kong runners to consider about this problem before joining this marathon.

sunking 發表於 2015-12-24 14:07:29

這種地方, 你也不會期望大會做得特別好, 只要自己享受比賽好了...

odinmusashi 發表於 2015-12-23 11:52:42

on file, thanks for sharing.

craig 發表於 2015-12-23 12:18:07


qaz.201309 發表於 2015-12-23 23:56:54

Thanks for sharing!!!

Pepe 發表於 2015-12-24 08:14:27


醉烏鴉 發表於 2015-12-24 12:18:44


rockiec 發表於 2015-12-24 19:46:37

Pauline 講得啱, 自己响第二排衝出去, 第1K位唔係咁多人, 大約40~50人, 女跑手更加少, 依家居然有8名女跑手响我前面, 真係不可思議! 第一名女跑手時間 ~03:07:38, 但係响另一個網頁顯示 ~03:33:08 (http://muangthaimarathon2015smilephuket.itsyourrace.com/Results/6539/2015/31947/171)

自己組別第二名時間: 02:54:16, 但响另一個網頁顯示 ~03:04:50 (http://muangthaimarathon2015smilekorat.itsyourrace.com/Results/6390/2015/31121/8420) 奇奇怪怪...

睇番呢個比賽以往記錄, 無論男女時間唔會太突出, 無乜高手! 本來自己以為總排名應該40~50上下, 組別名次大約~10, 但依家分別係98/21, 真係有啲過份!

歸根究底, 呢個賽事係有獎金嘅, 對當地人嚟講, 真係好吸引, 而且轉折位無chip time timing, 真係好易出問題! 其實大會可以响轉折放部攝錄機/人手抄BIB, 都可以避免, 但大會無咁做, 只係派手帶, 助長部份跑手走挑捷徑!

rockiec 發表於 2015-12-24 19:49:57

當日自己準備上線... 點知大會話要pre-check, 所有跑手需要响集合區排隊等上線, 自己嗱嗱聲排响第一排, 問工作人員pre-check嚟做乜野, 佢話要响大家號碼布劃記號... 咁有乜用呢? 而且成千幾人, 點樣逐個劃? 起跑前十分鐘, 仲未有行動, 已經有跑手衝咗出去上線, 响我前面個工作人員仲捉住我劃記號, 吹脹!

就係咁, 跑手衝散咗工作人員人鍊, 跑上40米外起點線... 咁樣短跑上線, 真係第一次見, 好易有意外, 咁嘅安排真係抵打!

rockiec 發表於 2015-12-24 19:53:06

跑到35K上下, 係半馬跑手轉折位, 呢個時間番轉頭, 大多數都係步兵, 但大會只係封一條行車線, 只要三個人平排咁行, 已經過唔到, 唯有跑出中間行車線, 但不時要閃開對頭車, 都幾危險... 咁樣做法, 唔夠1K, 腰側已有反應, 痛起上嚟, 越跑越痛, 真係激死!

入到古城, 只係剩番2K, 點都要加加油, 有幾多去幾多... 但原來古城內都係無封路, 不時要人車爭路, 差佬又唔知做乜? 居然係駕車人士有優先使用權, 甚至要跑手停低俾車過, 真係從來未見過! 所以自己唔理咁多, 打晒手勢叫駕車人士停低, 斷估唔會唔停掛? 照樣過馬路... 不過真係好危險, 車頭真係响身邊停低!

最後1K, 見到大龍門, 點都要俾多少少力衝番去... 差唔多到終點前50米, 賽道一分為二, 左邊係全馬﹑半馬, 右邊係10K, 3K, 真係好窄, 點衝? 最後10米, 再一分三, 左邊係半馬, 中間線係全馬, 右邊係10K﹑3K! 攪邊科? 衝線都仲要分, 唔通分開人流拎唔同野? 但又唔係喎, 過咗大龍門又合而為一!!!!

rockiec 發表於 2015-12-24 20:16:45

如果睇番配速... 半馬第一名配速3'40", 但全馬第三名配速已經3'35"!!! 有乜理由全馬配速仲快過半馬? 好明顯係走咗捷徑!

全馬第二名仲要係M50+ 組, 不過無時間, 我估佢直頭係跑咗半馬番轉頭, 咁就第二名, 死未!

mountains_spice 發表於 2015-12-26 22:22:19


Startrek 發表於 2016-1-6 22:20:21

擺明獎金比自己人唔會益外來選手. 否則一般世界選手都會有可能參與. 見師兄,師姐的描述. 真是做假做到出面. 我相信現場投訴大會也許不接受.
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