Dennischan 發表於 2016-1-11 00:29:12


我現時用緊Garmin 620, 只是用作記錄和分段分析用,我跑步時看不清錶面上的資料,只聽到beep beep提示聲響,不知自己速度。在用此錶之前是用手機和Apps Runner Keeper, 因為會有真人發聲提示我的步速,哩數等數據資料,相當方便,但要攜帶著手機,覺得不太方便,所以

bunbun 發表於 2016-1-11 06:46:47

Moto 2 呢類 Android Sport Smart watch ?

albutlau 發表於 2016-1-11 14:57:26

ahleung 發表於 2016-1-12 15:20:41

有款叫做 GPS Voice Coach 幾好用

Dennischan 發表於 2016-1-13 14:45:26

Thanks all !

Finally, I bought a Sony B-Trainer at Sony Store yesterday, it seems good for me (can listen to the current running status + mp3 songs and can record the running information for further analysis.

Now they have launched a promotion until end of this month, HKD200 Welcome Supermarket coupon + shoes bag.(I am a Sony member and got their Sony e-coupon code, so more HKD300 less), I paid 1680 and got HKD200 Welcome coupon + Shoes bag.
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查看完整版本: 有無真人發聲跑步手錶?
