ASICS 大埔半馬 2018
Co-organizer | 大埔體育會
Tai Po Sport Association Limited | 冠名贊助
Title sponsor | ASICS Hong Kong | 活動日期
Activity Date | 2018年12月2日 (星期日)
2nd December 2018 (Sunday) | 活動地點
Activity Venue | 大埔
Tai Po | 活動流程
Activity Venue | 開始時間
Start Time | 組別
Category | 報名費用
Enrollment Fee | 早鳥優惠
Early Bird | 8:00am | 半程馬拉松
Half Marathon | HK$250 | HK$200 | 8:00am | 10公里
10KM | HK$200 | HK$160 |
** 首3000名成功網上報名的參加者
** First 3000 participant who successfully register online | 截止報名日期
Enrollment Deadline | 額滿即止
First Come, first served | 賽道關閉時間
Route Closure | 11:00 am | 活動起點
Start | 半程馬拉松 Half Marathon 大埔天后宮風水廣場
Tai Po Tin Hau Temple Fung Shui Square | 10公里10KM 香港教育大學白石角運動中心
The Education University of Hong Kong Pak Shek Kok Sports Centre |
| 活動終點
Finish | 香港教育大學白石角運動中心
The Education University of Hong Kong Pak Shek Kok Sports Centre | 電郵
Email | | 證書
Certificate | 電子證書 E-certificate
電子證書將於比賽後一星期內在此網頁下載 (
Participant will receive an E-certificate.
E-certificate could be downloaded from this website ( 1 week after the race
完成證書(印刷版)Completion Certificate (Printing)
Participants can apply for the completion certificate
HKD$35/ 一張Each
(Completion certificate will be mailed in 2 months after the race) |
賽事組別Race Category半程馬拉松
Half Marathon | 組別
Category | 出生年份
Year of Birth | 組別
Category | 出生年份
Year of Birth | 青年男子組
Male Youth
(Age 16-19歲) | 1999 – 2002 | 青年女子組
Female Youth
(Age 16-19歲) | 1999 – 2002 | 壯年男子組
Male Elite
(Age 20-29歲) | 1989 – 1998 | 壯年女子組
Female Elite
(Age 20-29歲) | 1989 – 1998 | 高級男子組
Male Advanced
(Age 30-39歲) | 1979 - 1988 | 高級女子組
Female Advanced
(Age 30-39歲) | 1979 - 1988 | 青進男子組
Male Senior
(Age 40-49歲) | 1969 - 1978 | 青進女子組
Female Senior
(Age 40-49歲) | 1969 - 1978 | 先進男子 1組
Male Veteran I
(Age 50-59歲) | 1959 - 1968 | 先進女子組
Female Veteran
Age 50 or above) | 1968或以前 or before | 先進男子 2組
Male Veteran II
Age 60 or above) | 1958 或以前 or before | | | 參加半程馬拉松之餘亦可組隊參加隊際盃,無須額外費用,每名參賽者限報一隊, 每隊人數為6名,總成績以5名完成賽事的隊員時間總和決定。請立即與成功報名參加比賽的朋友組隊,並填妥 隊際盃報名表於2018年12月3日或之前電郵至 [email protected]。隊際盃冠,亞及季軍隊伍均可以獲得獎盃及獎牌。歡迎各位踴躍參加!
Participants can team up with your friends who have successfully enrolled in Half Marathon categories to win the Group Cup. Each participant can sign up in one team only. Each team has 6 members. Result will be determined by the total time of the first 5 team members. Please download and fill in the enrollment form and return by email to [email protected] on or before 3rd December 2018. We welcome running clubs, corporations and organizations to fight for the Cup! The Champion, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up will be awarded Trophy and Medals. | 10公里
10KM | 組別
Category | 出生年份
Year of Birth | 組別
Category | 出生年份
Year of Birth | 青年男子1組
Male Youth I
(Age 14-15歲) | 2003 – 2004 | 青年女子1組
Female Youth I
(Age 14-15歲) | 2003 – 2004 | 青年男子2組
Male Youth II
(Age 16-19歲) | 1999 – 2002 | 青年女子2組
Female Youth II
(Age 16-19歲) | 1999 – 2002 | 壯年男子組
Male Elite
(Age 20-29歲) | 1989 – 1998 | 壯年女子組
Female Elite
(Age 20-29歲) | 1989 – 1998 | 高級男子組
Male Advanced
(Age 30-39歲) | 1979 - 1988 | 高級女子組
Female Advanced
(Age 30-39歲) | 1979 - 1988 | 青進男子組
Male Senior
(Age 40-49歲) | 1969 - 1978 | 青進女子組
Female Senior
(Age 40-49歲) | 1969 - 1978 | 先進男子 1組
Male Veteran I
(Age 50-59歲) | 1959 - 1968 | 先進女子組
Female Veteran
Age 50 or above) | 1968或以前 or before | 先進男子 2組
Male Veteran II
Age 60 or above) | 1958 或以前 or before | | | 參加10公里個人組之餘亦可組隊參加隊際盃,無須額外費用,每名參賽者限報一隊, 每隊人數為6名,總成績以5名完成賽事的隊員時間總和決定。請立即與成功報名參加比賽的朋友組隊,並填妥 隊際盃報名表於2018年12月3日或之前電郵至 [email protected]。隊際盃冠,亞及季軍隊伍均可以獲得獎盃及獎牌。歡迎各位踴躍參加!
Participants can team up with your friends who have successfully enrolled in 10 KM categories to win the Group Cup. Each participant can sign up in one team only. Each team has 6 members. Result will be determined by the total time of the first 5 team members. Please download and fill in the enrollment form and return by email to [email protected] on or before 3rd December 2018. We welcome running clubs, corporations and organizations to fight for the Cup! The Champion, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up will be awarded Trophy and Medals. |
(比賽組別以出生年份計算 Race Category is calculated by year of birth)
Route Map(TBC)
Shuttle bus比賽當天,大會提供接駁巴士由「香港教育大學白石角運動中心」來往「大學站」,參加者可購買乘車票 (票價:HK$8.00)
There would be shuttle bus service ( between “The Education University of Hong Kong Pak Shek Kok Sports Centre” and “University Station” ) provided on the event day. It costs HK$8.00).
Pick-up point | 下車地點
Drop-off point | 服務時間
Service Time | 費用
Fee | 港鐵大學站
University Station
*(For 10km Participant ONLY) | 香港教育大學白石角運動中心
The Education University of Hong Kong Pak Shek Kok Sports Centre (Tai Po Yau King Lane) | 6:20am - 7:20am | HK$8.00
| 香港教育大學白石角運動中心
The Education University of Hong Kong Pak Shek Kok Sports Centre
(Tai Po Yau King Lane) | 港鐵大學站
University Station | 9:15am - 11:30am | HK$8.00 |
紀念品 Souvenirs所有參加者大可獲贈以下紀念品:
Each participant will receive the following souvenir:
- 賽事T-shirt乙件 Race T-shirt (1 pcs) *效果圖及產品顏色只供參考。*
*Picture and color are for reference ONLY.
賽事T-shirt尺碼 Race T-shirt Size
呎碼 Size | XS | S | M | L | XL | XXL | 衫長
Center Back Length | 67.1cm | 68.9cm | 70.7cm | 72.5cm | 74.3cm | 76.1cm | 1/2 胸圍
1/2 Chest Width | 42cm | 45cm | 48cm | 51cm | 54.5cm | 58cm |
* 注意:請在揀選T-shirt呎碼前,根據上表小心量度,並選擇適合的呎碼。
Remark:Please base on the size chart before making selection. *大會不保證能提供所選擇之尺碼,尺碼分配需視乎領取賽事包之先後次序及貨量而定,所有尺碼先到先得。
T-shirt size availability is provided on a first come first served basis during enrollment and subject to stock condition during race pack distribution. The organizer does not warrant any request in size.
*If there is no option of the particular size in the enrollment system, it means this size already out of stock. No size can be changed after enrollment.
*Picture and color are for reference ONLY.
獎項 Prize(TBC)
報名方法Entry Procedures網上報名Online Enrollment 請在本頁上方按「網上報名」並登入填寫參賽者資料,及以信用卡(Visa/Mastercard) 繳付報名費
Fill and submit the online enrollment form and pay your enrollment fee by credit card (Visa/MasterCard)
注意事項 Important notes報名事宜 Enrollment - 完整報名以完成付款為準。
A completed enrollment is counted as payment successful. - 參賽者必須仔細閱讀「比賽規則」。報名申請一經遞交,即代表參賽者確認及同意接受一切賽事規則、條款和安排。
Participants must study the ‘Rules and Regulations’ carefully. Organizer assumes participants who completed the enrollment process agreed to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the race that has been signed up. - 參加者只可報名參加屬於自己的年齡組別。(年齡是以出生年份計算。如一名男子於1994年11月出生,年齡為23 歲,所屬組別為壯年男子20-29歲)
Participants should register to their respective age group. (Age is counted base on the year of birth. Example, a male born in Nov 1994, his age is counted as 23. His age group category should be Male 20-29). - 參賽者個人意外保險需自行負責。
Participants are advised to arrange their own insurance cover. - 參賽費用不能作扣稅之用。
Enrollment Fee are not tax deductible. - 任何懷孕或患有慢性疾病,如心臟病及高血壓的人士,皆不應參加是次活動。大會在得悉 或懷疑的情況下,將保留取消任何不適宜參加是次活動之參加者資格的權利。
People who are pregnant or with chronic diseases, like heart attack and high blood pressure, are not recommended to participate in the event. The Organizer reserves the right of disqualify participants who are physically not eligible for the event. - 參加者必須確保體格適宜參加比賽,大會工作人員或救護人員有權因應參加者體能狀況, 終止參加者繼續參賽資格,參加者不得異議。
Participants must ensure that they are physically fit to join the event. The Organizer has the right to terminate or pause the participants if there is deemed to be any risk to their health. Participants must abide by this decision. - 參加者會在報名後10個工作天內收到大會電郵確認其報名,如未有收到通知,可發電郵至[email protected]。
Confirmation will be sent to participants by e-mail within 10 working days after an enrollment is received. If you do not receive the confirmation, please send your enquiry to [email protected]. - 不接受現場及逾期報名。
Late or on site enrollment will not be accepted. - 資料不全者,恕不接受報名。
Incomplete enrollment will not be accepted. - 已寄出的報名或重覆報名,均不設退款、退件、轉名安排及取消服務。
No return, cancellation or transfer for all enrollments, including late and duplicate enrollments. - 如活動過程中,遇上天災及人禍所引發的突發情況(洪水、山火、山泥傾瀉、塌樹、 地震、路面受損壞、打鬥等),是日活動將暫時停止或取消,參加者須盡快前往安全 地方暫避。
The event will be temporarily halted or cancelled if emergency situations occur due to natural and man-made disasters (flood, wildfire, landslide, collapse of tree, earthquake, damage of road, fights, etc.) during the event. All participants should immediately go to a safe place to stay temporarily.
惡劣天氣 Severe Weather - 如於比賽前一天中午十二時或之後懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號,當日賽事將會取消。
If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted at any time from 12:00 noon on the day before race, the race will be cancelled and will not be rescheduled. - 如於比賽當日凌晨十二時或之後懸掛黑色暴雨,當日賽事將會取消。
If the Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted at any time from 04:00 am on the race day, the race will be cancelled and will not be rescheduled. - 如比賽進行中天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告,賽事總監有權將比賽賽程改變或取消正在進行中的比賽。報名費將不獲退還。
If the above Inclement Weather/Condition Warnings be hoisted after the commencement of race, the Race Director has the right to change the race distance or race arrangement or to stop the race. No refund or no rescheduled will be made. - 本賽事不設補賽, 參賽者之報名費一概不作退款。
No fallback date for the race. All enrollment fee will not be refunded. - 大會建議參賽者於比賽早上致電或瀏覽香港天文台查詢有關天氣情況。(電話:1878200)
Please check the race day weather from the Hong Kong Observatory (Tel: 1878200).
其他事宜 Others - 參加者的個人物件可存放於大會提供之行李寄存區。切勿攜帶貴重物品,如有損毀或遺失,大會將不會負任何責任及作出任何賠償。參加者一旦使用此安排,已被假定接受此條款。
Baggage storage will be provided. Please do not bring any valuable items. The Organizer is not responsible for the lost or damage of the baggage stored with us. Participant uses this service is subjected to the acceptance of this clause. - 如活動過程中須向大會查詢及要求協助,請到詢問處與工作人員聯絡。
Should there be any emergencies or assistance needed during the event, participants shall contact the officials at the information center. - 所有禮品不可兌換現金。
All prizes are not redeemable for cash. - 大會保留以是次活動照片作日後推廣用途之權利。
The Organizer reserves the right of all photos of the event for future uses and references. - 本賽事委員會擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利。任何有關活動的臨時改動或取消,將以大會網站公佈為準。
The Organizer reserves the right of final decision of the event. Any changes or contingent measures for the event announced by the organizer and posted on the Organizer’s web page shall prevail.
比賽規則 Rules and Regulations - 參賽者必須自力走或跑畢全程。
Participants must complete the marked course on foot under their own power. - 參賽編號必須置於賽衣前方,於任何時間均須清晰可見。
Bib numbers must be visible at all times on the outside of clothing (at the front). - 參賽者不得服食禁藥或違規藥物。
Doping and the use of prohibited drugs is strictly prohibited. - 主辦機構保留酌情修改比賽規則、路線及/或其他安排的權利。
The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the event rules and requirements, route and/or other arrangements as they deem appropriate.