bluesky 發表於 2008-4-22 20:50:39

Rode bicycle to Sheung Shui Sports Centre with my son.

Run60 m fast run 5 times.
Then, he run 6.5 rounds (fourth lane) for 14:50.
There are football match at that time.

He said a bit tried, may be not recover from his Sunday workout.

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2008-4-22 20:53 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-23 12:06:25




今天 “pet pet” 的骨還有些酸軟!


bluesky 發表於 2008-4-23 12:41:33


1. 有時下班趕回家,他們又不肯按既定計劃去操練,我就會生氣。

2. 賽前練習受傷,或其他原因弄傷了,需要中斷操練,休息一段曰子,

3. 賽前感冒吃藥,未能發揮應有水準,

4.上述 2 及 3,都會令到之前的努力付諸流水


大家是否都遇過上述問題,多謝分享心得! :)

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2009-2-12 19:56 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-24 12:16:41

05 年暑假,又是陽光海灘的曰子,仍是黃昏跑,地點則在民丹島( Bintan Island)。


Lost 劇集中的神秘沙灘,我們快跑回去吧!

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2009-2-12 21:17 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-24 12:48:56



賽道啊 !今天我把兩個寶貝兒交給你,請不要讓他們摔倒,你的路線指示要清楚,不要讓他們跑錯路!

孩子啊 !今天 Daddy 不能陪跑,您們要懂得辛苦時自我打氣,回程要認定一座標,跑過時要開始發力衝回终點。



[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2009-2-12 21:18 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-25 12:25:37


我的一對子女將會參加5月11曰的 少年组三公里必達夏日長跑 2008。我會記錄他們備賽的操練情况和比賽结果。他們都不知我在這裡學寫了他們一些跑步故事(首次長跑、參賽、得獎、失敗, daddy陪跑 , 備賽的操練,etc)。比賽結束後,我將打印一分記錄給他們,給他們一個驚喜,應幾有趣的!

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-25 12:33:48

是我的訓練計劃安排不好,上星期日是首次練習,他就跑了3.7公里,星期二第二次練,還練快跑。昨天巳訂場一小時練其它得運動,但他說腳痛, 我建議練半小時就第算啦,但他堅持要練45分鍾,唉!今早他的腳仍痛,所以今晚的跑步操練取消。

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-25 19:46:04

2006年體育節, 校際水陸兩項鐵人接力挑戰賽( 375 米游泳/2.5 公里跑步),兩姊弟念同一間小學,分別被選為學校男/女组跑方面的代表。兩人也站在頒獎台

很多的參賽者都是高小生,三年班的兒子在人群中顯得較矮小。在集合處,他拍檔(游泳)的家長第一眼看見小兒,眼裡就顯出有點兒失望,因為小兒高度只及他兒子的胸口。兒子這隊以19:30完成,32 隊中得第12。

女兒五年班,隊友也是同班的,则以18:58 在 17 隊 中 得 第 5, 可惜女子組參加隊伍較少,只得 3 個 獎, 不 像 男 子 組有 5 個。

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2009-2-12 21:18 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-26 07:02:19

It's a foggy morning.Going to play table tennis with my son at 8:00 am.

As usual, he wiltake Taekwondo lesson in the afternnoon.Total 2 hours fitness exercise today.I hope he can recover from leg pain and I will accompany him to run on Ma On Shan (the competition route of   RRAC summer race) tomorrow morning to let him familiar with the route.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-26 09:25:05

My son catch a cold and cough .Will bring him to see doctor this morning.

It's really annoying to catch a cold before competition event.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-26 12:20:32

I have asked my daughter to run with me at 3:00 p.m.She said she has to play basketball with her schoolmates this afternoon.

It seems team sports are more attractive to teanagers. She counter proposal to run at 6:00 p.m.I don't think she is fit enough to run after 3 hours basketball playing.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-26 21:18:25

Daughter went back home in the evening. It's fine she kept her promise.

Before leaving home to run, my son came back after Taekwondo class.
When he knew I wouldrun with his sister, he requested to join.
Actually, I don't want him to join as he has caught cold and eaten medicine. What he need is a good rest .

At last, we went jogging all together for about 14 mins.

Daughter told me that basketball playing is more interesting than running. She is quite tired today.At that time, I thought she went running may just for entertaining me.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-27 07:27:28

I plan to take my son to familiar with the running route of May 11 race. He is still sleeping now. I won't wake him up.

My daughter told me she will go playing basketball today ( running, no la).

Parentscultivate differentinterests fortheir kids . But kids will choose theirs by themselves when they increase in ages.Form one is a typical year.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-27 19:12:54

He woke up at about 11:00 and we didn't go to run on theroute of May 11 race.

Today workout:

1 km runfrom Fanling to Sheung Shui to have breakfast.

50 mins cycling

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-28 12:16:14

今年3 月時,兒子與 姊姊, 表哥一同報名參加迎奧運運元朗區青少年長跑賽 2008。女兒因背肌發炎未好,沒有出賽!兒子因停跑了一年,比賽前又冇操練,所以賽前未抱有太大希望,但心想2.7 公里應沒有問題吧。他戰意未有,等待起跑時原先排在頗前,但其他跑手越迫越前,他就越排越後,一點也不著緊,開跑時竟排最後。這就是比賽心態問題,須要改進。

他與孖仔 (陳氏兄弟)一組,少年男子B 組,孖仔跑得超快,約8 分鍾就跑完。
哈哈哈!小兒連食塵機會都沒有,因相距太遠!幸好他以10:05 跑完,得第六。

那天兒子碰到一位棋友,他在青年男子 C組奪冠,兩位小棋手都曾在象棋比賽中得奬,棋手又是跑手,在香港棋界中,兩人都是異數!當然,兒子的棋力及跑速都不及廖哥哥!

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2009-2-12 21:18 編輯 ]

alfredyu 發表於 2008-4-29 23:23:16


bluesky 發表於 2008-4-30 12:32:53

原帖由 alfredyu 於 2008-4-29 23:23 發表

Alfred 兄:



他們參加比賽不是次次有好成績。沒有獎的,多不勝數, 之前的帖也有略數一二:

04年山頂3.5 公里,跑22:11, 第9
05年西區滅罪跑,2 公里,跑11:26, 第16
06 年山頂3.5 公里, 跑17:32, 第5

06 年山頂3.5 公里, 跑21:05, 第13
07 年CyberRun for Rehab , 跑28:47, 第11

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2009-2-21 22:14 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-5-1 00:05:54

星期二下班,馬上趕回家陪兒子練跑。一開始數10米,他領先,但我很快就超前了,他在背後拼命地追。約3.7公里的路程,須經4 次上斜,上斜我較慢,他就趁機追上來。最後,我到達終點先,他則以16:45 跑完,比上次快1:15。


一次平凡的操練, 一種不平凡的感受!

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2009-2-12 19:59 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-5-1 16:42:48

My son had no school yesterday . He went to run for 2 km himself. He hadn't kept time.

Practise sparring tonight as a fitness excercise.

4 more running practices before May 11 race.

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2008-5-2 21:29 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-5-2 21:18:46

We went jogging this evening for about half hour.

My son did not want to run the usual route. We run a new route from Fanling to Sheung Shui and then run pass his school in Fanling .

If he was not practised his Taekwondo hard yesterday, he ought to havepractised hard in running this evening.   Sometimes, the two sports are not supplementary to each other. eg.he hurts when practising sparring and affect the performance in running competition.To practise running, he has less time to practise sparring.

3 more running practices before May 11 race. (Sun, next Tue and Thur)

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2008-5-3 08:05 編輯 ]
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