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mic mic 的平凡跑誌 (現在長駐香港)


升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-16 19:36:20 | 顯示全部樓層

16/12/08 變速跑

今日在city的speed interval session,先跑1km熱身 (個人覺得步速比平時熱身快),再去一個草地足球場繞圈跑,用跑10公里步速衝2分鐘,30秒緩跑為之1 set,如是者做8 sets。

起初真的用10公里速度跑(約4:40-4:50),和一位陌生的師兄旁住跑,此子蠻多話說,我卻沒有這種邊跑邊說話的功夫,道行不夠,唯有只說yes yes。被不少人快我一圈咁爬頭,也有幾個被我爬佢一圈頭。

去到最後兩set 嘗試加速,都是去到最後30秒保持唔到步速。完事之後再用5K步速衝三個約200米的距離,中間休60秒。最後cool down 收工。

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-17 17:02:22 | 顯示全部樓層

17/12/08 自己跑13km

今日下午五點自己去跑。19度的陰天實在非常適合跑步,因可能中途下雨,所以載埋帽出去跑。沿著河邊跑一段來回,大約9公里,途中盡量找些沙地草地來跑。回程時再入沙地Tan Track 跑一個圈,3.8公里,再在那裡補加多1.5公里,總路程大約13公里。


升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-18 18:56:35 | 顯示全部樓層

18/12/08 今年最後的一個speed work


今日先在河邊緩跑約1.5km,再去Olympic Park Track 衝圈300m, 400m, 200m 為之一set,中間1分鐘休,共做4 sets,中間有4分鐘休。
對我而言這次是極高intensity 的練法,也是滿高難度,平時通常將距離遞減咁跑,速度上較易控制。今次卻要在中間塞個400m 來,加上平時甚少為跑300m而計時,不知道自己的程度應該點跑好。 初步打算 1分鐘300, 分半鐘400, 40秒200

第一set: 300m (miss 左,估計大約1分鐘上下),400m (1:25,事後才知過快),200m (37秒,第一set好氣好力)

第二set: 300m (57秒,俾一位女跑手迫快,後果自負),400m(1:31,最後一百米食風,即時爆左),200m (43秒,爆完後一厥不振)


第三set: 300m (1:03,開始似jog多過跑),400m (1:33,死抱著繼續跑),200m (40秒:還好阻止跌勢)

第四set: 300m (1:04,大家都跑得好hea),400m (1:34,面部表情扭曲),200m (39秒:與一位師兄遲了廿秒開跑)

似乎經過今次之後,以後再做類似的speed work,應該set 自己跑400m 唔好快過分半,300m 唔好快過一分鐘,200m有力先嘗試突破40秒。

平安夜到30號會去旅行 (Gold Coast 和 Cairns ,都是在澳洲境內) 今年跑步里數隨時低於 50km

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-12-19 19:32 編輯 ]

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-19 16:09:52 | 顯示全部樓層

19/12/08 學校gym 跑步機 5K

下午要返學辦點事,辦完之後去gym,跑步機跑5K,算係跑tempo pace,
由開始5:00m/km 遞增到最後兩分鐘4:16m/km,但是大部分時間都是4:50-4:55,所以均速不快,需時23:23,平均4:40m/km。
完事之後做了少少weight training,cool down 一會兒後收工。

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-23 16:21:27 | 顯示全部樓層

23/12/08 沿河跑10.3km

昨日沒有跑,與來澳洲渡假的中學同學借單車漫遊city周圍的景色,途經st kida beach 和 albert park lake,景色不錯,不過由於踩得過於輕鬆,連汗沒有點出過

沿河跑10.3km (如圖),步速不快,大約5:15m/km,時間用了54:24。

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-26 19:50:53 | 顯示全部樓層

26/12/08 Run in Cairns (abotu 5K)

I am now in Cairns where is regarded as the start line of Great Barrier Reef.
damn it... I don't like snorkeling as I am REALLY afraid of water...
when I just get started, I was scared by the roughly ocean. Eventually I resorted to prompt retreat within 30 sec...
waste of money you might think, but I am not interested to die under the water as I still want to run a marathon.

so far I have 30mins run along the coast after those "water activities". I reckon I have run at least 5K since I ran with a pretty high pace...

just stop here now ... photos will be uploaded when I have come back.
I will go to Gold Coast tomorrow morning until 30/12.

have a happy christmas holidays everyone

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-28 20:18:56 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ChARsoN 於 2008-12-27 20:06 發表
Can't you swim?
Or the tides there are too large that may wash   you away from the coasts?
Perhaps you may run there probably since you may not suddenly fall into the it true?

I can only swim at the pool but I will be scare if my feet can not hit the ground.
yep, I started away from the coast and it was at least 5m deepth...
anyway I will explain more when i've come back to Melbourne in Chinese.

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-28 20:24:20 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 d_drifter 於 2008-12-27 23:18 發表
I am from Australia too, I am in Brisbane

hi d_drifter,

nice to meet you
I am studying in Melbourne and now I am in Gold Coast for holiday.
I just stayed Brisbane less than an hour when Brisbane Airport was my transitional point between Carins and Gold Airport during my current journey.
I will go back to Melbourne from Brisbane Airport on 30/12 evening.

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-28 20:43:29 | 顯示全部樓層

28/12/2008 60mins Run along the Gold Coast Beaches (about 10.5km)

I am so happy I still have chance to run during the journey.
I run from Main Beach to South Surfers Beach (just ran through Surfers Paradises Beach).
Not sure about the exact distance but I reckon I should have run 10km.
I feel good to run on the sand.
don't have much time left to get online... talk about it later.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-12-29 15:18 編輯 ]

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-4 20:23:50 | 顯示全部樓層

4/1/09 regular jog at the Tan, double laps

not really in good fitness level today as I have spoiled myself into alcohol and computer games during new year eve and the start of this year. I decide to rebuild my running routine today if I really want to make it as a marathon year. A nice evening run so far although I found it a bit struggling to run only 8km in total. Average pace was slow... probably about 5:30m/km. A good start so far...


December running distance: 79.8km

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-1-5 17:11 編輯 ]

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-11 14:34:19 | 顯示全部樓層

Weekly Review: (5/1/09-11/1/09)

Total running distance: 41.3km

Monday (8km): Double Tans plus extra jog from home.
details: 400m warm up, ran double tan (7.6km) for 38:17.
notes: With tempo pace I could run 18:54 for the first lap before starting to slow down at Anderson St, But still can keep early 19mins on average per lap.

Tuesday (8km): Speedwork session at the Tan.
details: 2km warmup, 500m sprint, 4 times 1km (4:31 up, 4:15 down, 4:34 up, 4:10 down), 1.5km cool down
notes: Welcome Thomas Tong the churchmate to join this session and feel sad for Randall the captain departure. Pace is acceptable although I didn't give my all out.

Wednesday (10.3km): Yarra trail, from Federation Square to near Burnley, regular jog but pretty fast this time.
details: 50.52 for 10.3km.
notes: I am happy about myself to run my "PB" of this regular route. So fantastic to run under 5:00m/km. Good start of this year and thanks God for bringing me this joy today.

Thursday (4km): Speedwork session at Olympic Park track
details: Interval: 1km warm up, 6 times 400m with 2mins break between (1:24, 1:24, 1:24, 1:23, 1:23, 1:24), cool down: 600m
notes: I am surprised to run with such consistency despite of exhaustion after the voluntary work at church. Surely it is a fantastic week thanks to voluntary work boast.

Friday+Saturday: break

Sunday (11km): Race at Princes Park (10km), plus 1K extra during church activity.
details: race performance: 48:18 (1st: 24:05, 2nd: 24:13)
notes: My first race of this year. It is not bad to run with high consistency although I think I could do better next time. Not a bad start though.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-1-11 16:23 編輯 ]

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-12 13:04:07 | 顯示全部樓層

Photo of Princes Park 10K (11/01/2009)

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-12 20:15:05 | 顯示全部樓層

VO2 Max Treadmill Testing, prelude of the research (about 1.5km for today)

I participate in a research undertaken by an undergrad student and some professors as a voluntary recreational runner. Roughly speaking they will plan some kinds of traning program in order to find out the effect of cross traning to a recreational runner's performance. This week I need to take some kinds of pre-program tests which will be taken again at the end of the sessions in order to find out differences between. The session will be last for 4 weeks so I need to narrow down my regular quality session to 1 per week.

Today I have taken Vo2 Max Treadmill Testing. General speaking, the participant needs to wear some heavy stuff and uses sth to clip the nose so as to keep it from breathing (so you have to breath with mouth only). the Treadmill started with a rather slow pace (8km/h) and increase its pace graduatlly each min and also increase its steep subsequently.

They showed me some number after the test and they said they'll give me full report after the whole research so I didn't drop it down. Roughly I got the number of my max heart rate is 183, weight = 56.5, height = 172cm. A good test though I found it quite difficult to run with that heavy snorkeling-like stuff.

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-13 21:29:09 | 顯示全部樓層

13/1/09 speedwork session under extreme weather (11.8km)

warm up: 1.5km
4 times 80m sprint
4 times 2km tempo run with about 90sec rest between.
cool down: 2km


升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-16 11:14:47 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ChARsoN 於 2009-1-14 19:08 發表
It seems that Summer in Australia is just like Winter in Hong Kong....
However, I haven't been there before...

墨爾本的夏天....真的不知道怎樣說... 星期日朝早14、15度,星期二下午最高37度.

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-16 11:15:47 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 david_92hk 於 2009-1-14 19:12 發表
i have been to AUS this summer hoilday for a study tour in Sydney.
i miss AUS very are very luckily that you can stay in AUS for a long time.
anyway,add oil!!!

Thanks David. I am happy to stay here for a long time. Sydney is not a bad place but actually I love Melbourne more

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-16 11:20:12 | 顯示全部樓層

14/1/09 Peak Power Output Testing (intensive Cycling 15mins)+ 1km run cool down

Rode on the bike whose level up gradually in every 2min30sec. Finally stopped at level 7 which still has 2mins left in this level.
Max heart beat = 181.

followed by 1km cool down (4:56) on the grassland track outside the Sport Centre where I will run 5km trial there this Friday.

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-16 11:22:11 | 顯示全部樓層

16/1/08 5km Time Trial as the record before the research program

This morning I ran with 5km trial with a fancy time of 22:20, 40sec faster than my PB a month ago. Surely I can address number of factors in favour of this abnormal time:

1. the track (1km per lap) is a flat grass land and no any hill at all. It is also easy to run faster at grassland than the sandy track at the Tan or Princes Park.

2. Weather is perfect (18 degree) with not much sunshine this morning although I was caught by some headwind and some smelly chemical fertilizer. General speaking the condition is so good for a runner.

3. Without any doubt Olivia the trainer gave me much encouragement and I thank her about this. Although I might not be a perfect sample I just hope I could make some contributions in her own research project.

1km: 4:09
(nooooo!! it is not Human Velocity Training and you don't have any break in between. Slow down if you don't want to crack at the end)
2km: 8:47 (4:38)
(back to normal. I'd be happy if I can hold this pace til the end, so stop any dreaming or wondering)
3km: 13:23 (4:36)
(my feet still felt pretty strong, which is a good phenomenon. see whether I can keep this form later on)
4km: 17:55 (4:32)
(good good, 17:55 for 4km, really a nice time and in good position to run under 23mins)
5km: 22:20 (4:25)
(a late push at the final lap is enough to run on aveage of 4:30 per lap.)

warm up beat: 120
max heart beat: 177
cool down beat (2mins later): 147
cool down beat (4mins later): 126

I have no idea how to run faster than this 3 weeks later after the research, but it gives me a confidence boast to run a sub23 5km race this year. Anyway it is still a good new for me.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-1-16 11:25 編輯 ]

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-29 19:32:30 | 顯示全部樓層



18/1/09 (星期日跑14km):
路線:Yarra Trail (10.3) + 1 lap the Tan (3.8)

全程用均速偏慢的步速跑,去到12K 有點乏力,太耐冇做較長的課有點不習慣,但仍希望下週日可延長跑距到18K。

12-18/1 總跑距:31.4km

升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-1-29 19:52:36 | 顯示全部樓層

補 19-25/1 跑步記錄

19/1 jog 60mins 當日身體唔太舒服,黃昏在公園踱步,天氣有點悶熱,午間有三十度,但走完之後感覺稍佳。

20/1 45mins run threadmill (8.2km)
location: Caufield Campus Gym
正式開始為時三星期的reseach program run,今星期要做的是在星期二、四的早上七時十五分在學校gym的跑步機上跑45分鐘,條件是要維持80% HR 的intensity,對我而言是介乎147-158的HR,約過了158則需要減速。第一次跑唔太習慣,起初set自己用5:00m/km 的步速跑,但去到20分鐘後心跳率漸升,不時過了158水位,唯有一定減速,到最後減到約5:30m/km。

21/1 5.5km regular run
location: Albert Park
本來想加入一group人跑步,但最後因找錯地方而遲到,唯有自己背著書包圍著Albert Park 跑個幾圈,跑完做下少少core training 後就收工。

22/1 morning: 45 mins run threadmill (9.2km), afternoon: 4km speedwork at Olympic Park Track
下午在Olympic Park 跑了600m, 400m, 400m, 300m, 300m, 1000m (中間休2分鐘)
600m: 2:11, 400m: 1:26, 400m: 1:23, 300m: 0:56, 300m: 1:01, 1000m: 4:04

23/1/09 regular run 10.3km (55:43)
course: Yarra Trail
ran with recovery pace as I put myself quite hard a day before.

25/1/09 Sunday Long Run 18km (1:37:54)
course: Yarra Trail (10.3km) + double Tan (7.6km)

19-25/1 總跑距:55.2km
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