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2009 Tokyo Marathon


升級   10.53%


發表於 2008-12-19 14:33:54 | 顯示全部樓層

I like to join your package. Can you tell me which travel agent?

升級   10.53%


發表於 2009-3-4 23:53:24 | 顯示全部樓層
     I've received a letter from the Tokyo Marathon Agent, containing the " Bib exchange certificate".
Any else?

升級   10.53%


發表於 2009-3-25 01:35:25 | 顯示全部樓層
I can't write this report in Chinese, because I'm still in Tokyo using my son's notebook.

    The  arrangement of the Tokyo Marathon is quiet good. It's 100% better than HK SCM. Firstly, they divided the runners in different group from A to J according to your registration reported  time. The A group is the elite runners, they have bib numbers on both side. the B to J group wil arrange by your expect finished time in your registration. For example, my reported is 4 hr 30 min.,I am in G group. My bib number is G33134. Each group gathered accordingly to the arranged order. There is a lot of staffs working efficiently that made the start in good order.(Unlike the race in China, their start is terrible.)
   There is many spectators  and the performance of bands, traditional drum shows, cheer leaders can see along the route. A lot of food supply after 22 km for  5 km interval, no need for you to bring your own power jell and power bar.
    The weather is windy, strong wind occured in some places amount the tall buildings, especially after 35 km near the sea side. It is raining  2.5 hr after start. By the way, I can see only 1 c-hing, he is opposite to me in 17 km, I was 5 km behind him. We encourage and cheer to each other.
     Luckily, I can finished the race in 4 hr 26 min, 2 min. better than I did in HK SCM.
     I will come back to HK tonight. See you al l c-hing c-tse on Friday in Happy Valley.  


升級   10.53%


發表於 2009-3-25 19:12:52 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 allanccl 於 2009-3-25 11:35 發表

嘩! 好熱鬧呀! 氣氛係咪仲好過廈門? 他們提供我食物包括powerjell and power bar? 幾正喎! 咁我替你報星期五晚快活谷邪神分享會啦,星期五晚見!

     It's much more better than Ximen (Ha Mun). As I can see, the spectators and including the staffs here were cheered all around. the sound of "kan ba da" were full in the air. The food including sport drinks, banana, dry grapes, dry plume ,red bean buns and many other kinds of food. I nearly give up my race for enjoy eating and drinking. Anyway, it's the best race I ever joint.
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