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Bunny's Cafe update : 伊斯坦堡馬拉松里數回顧 + 感想


升級   49.45%


發表於 2009-10-7 11:52:37 | 顯示全部樓層
I have joined the 15K run last year in this Eurasia Marathon held in Istanbul.  It was really interesting as you would run from Asian side to European side via the Borsphorus Bridge.  The pity is that that day was raining heavily and the final was at Blue Mosque and I almost froze to death. But I enjoyed the run very much as the major roads of Istanbul were blocked just for this Marathon and you can see a lot of people on the street to cheer up the altheletes despite the heavy rain. I cannot join this year as I have my ITU this October plus trailwalker practices.  

I hope you will enjoy this race and have a nice weather.
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