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擬定 "香港長跑網管理委員會" 第一次會議議程


升級   45.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-24 00:06:02 | 只看該作者

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really thx

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-2-24 00:41:20 | 只看該作者
Glad to hear that the meeting was successful.

升級   0%


發表於 2008-2-24 00:41:45 | 只看該作者
多謝曬, PB formula = 練習 x 休息 x 飲食. 如果你今日練左同食飽飽, 咁跟住就要ZZZzzz...Anyway 一路奕風, 坐飛機奕風你最穩定既. Good night.

升級   0%


發表於 2008-2-24 00:45:34 | 只看該作者
Good morning, Ivrunner CHing, would u read traditional chinese? Vegas is still hot and dry ? Are you run outside or GYM room?

原帖由 lvrunner 於 24-2-2008 00:41 發表
Glad to hear that the meeting was successful.

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-2-24 01:12:37 | 只看該作者
Hi Gills Hing,

Yes I do read traditional Chinese.  I don't have the program to type Chinese on my computer.  The weather is perfect for outdoor running here in LV.  It is 9C now.  I am getting ready to go out for a 15K jog.  I have the Los Angeles Marathon coming up next Sunday.  I injured my left heel (plantar fascitis) doing the Honolulu Marathon back in December.  So I am just taking it easy this time and have some fun.  It doesn't get hot here until April.  It will be around 45C in June and July.  I don't like running on treadmills in gym.  I will get up really early before the sun comes up to do my long runs during those hot season.  

I am glad I found this site.  I missed running in HK.  

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-2-23 09:16 編輯 ]

升級   0%


發表於 2008-2-25 11:57:53 | 只看該作者
Good to know that you can read chinese. I had been to Vegas several years ago while the NEW YORK NEW WORK was still under construction. Vegas is famous of organizing the world conference or expo like comdex. 都係用中文比賽親切, 同埋本人英文水準係有限公司. 我都試過係當地練跑, 不過人生路不熟, 通常都係酒店區打轉. Vegas 比我既印象係一個燒金窩, 有錢可以夜夜笙歌, 超平既自助餐, cost about $3 to $4 bugs and you can get a very rich dinner buffet. I don't know it still offer such an attractive price to keep the guest to play in their casino.

原帖由 lvrunner 於 24-2-2008 01:12 發表
Hi Gills Hing,

Yes I do read traditional Chinese.  I don't have the program to type Chinese on my computer.  The weather is perfect for outdoor running here in LV.  It is 9C now.  I am getting read ...
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