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樓主: lingling
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發表於 2009-3-23 23:08:40 | 只看該作者

唔嬲... 其實我俾其他跑友話過我比賽唔盡力跑....

升級   23.16%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-23 23:13:42 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ee_tpk 於 2009-3-23 23:06 發表

唔緊要啦..我最快都要 5 月才開始跑得長...
我而家兩小時 gym 都做唔到...

今時唔同往日啦... " />" />

哈哈, 為什麼, 你有心咩都得, 睇你是否要求高姐, 我又為你打下氣, 加下油

升級   23.16%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-23 23:18:26 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ee_tpk 於 2009-3-23 23:08 發表

唔嬲... 其實我俾其他跑友話過我比賽唔盡力跑.... " />" />

我知點解啦, 一定是果班好熱心跑步個fans 話你, 好似話我之前咁, 你又係架, 係佢d面前耍積極d先的..........

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發表於 2009-3-23 23:30:43 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lingling 於 2009-3-23 23:18 發表

我知點解啦, 一定是果班好熱心跑步個fans 話你, 好似話我之前咁, 你又係架, 係佢d面前耍積極d先的..........

nonono.. 唔好咁講野....
咁你之前不勞而獲既想法的確有問題......我決定跑渣打果陣一星期做少幾日 gym 才可以在 mizuno 做到兩小時既 pb

事實上佢地講得0岩... 我的確係有所不足... 或者可以做得更好...

升級   23.16%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-23 23:43:21 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ee_tpk 於 2009-3-23 23:30 發表

nonono.. 唔好咁講野.... " />" />
咁你之前不勞而獲既想法的確有問題......我決定跑渣打果陣一星期做少幾日 gym 才可以在 mizuno 做到兩小時既 pb" />" />

事實上佢地講得0岩... 我的確係有所不足... 或者可 ...

哩個世界邊有不勞而獲既野架, 我post 哩個topic 只是講教各位ctse, 同ching有咩好方法教路, 我知辛苦是一定啦, 只是想辛苦的值的, 到時不想跑不到又傷身, 只是佢d太激動以為我是想不練就去跑, 如是如此,我又晒咩上來問大家............, 真是估唔到,好多人誤會我個意思

你可以再跑的好d,快d, 咁就努力啦, 如你好似我咁, 又想咁, 又想果d, 就不如唔好有太高個要求, 好似我咁, 但求指定時間完成......., 好似好冇志心, 不過, 想下, 自己都是第一次想join, 咁諗都好正常............

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發表於 2009-3-23 23:55:51 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lingling 於 2009-3-23 23:43 發表

哩個世界邊有不勞而獲既野架, 我post 哩個topic 只是講教各位ctse, 同ching有咩好方法教路, 我知辛苦是一定啦, 只是想辛苦的值的, 到時不想跑不到又傷身, 只是佢d太激動以為我是想不練就去跑, 如是如此,我又晒 ...

不如咁講...因為你之前提既 background 太少.. 講既野又太含糊... 所以令小妹當時有 d 誤會...." />" />

不過事先聲明..... 我可以為跑步要做少 d gym ga...
跑步本身已經係一個溫和既 cardio... 對比起你果 d gym 無咁易傷丫...

好坦白講...如果你太多心...太多野玩分唔到時間去跑步... 咁就暫時唔好上全馬..
等到一刻你好有決心要上去..咁就自自然然會專心練跑.... 果個時候才算係心理上 ready 去馬
唔係怕你完成唔到... 反而怕你平時練得唔夠一下子跑一個全馬傷0左.. 跟手養傷咩都玩唔到仲慘

[ 本帖最後由 ee_tpk 於 2009-3-23 23:57 編輯 ]

升級   76.8%


發表於 2009-3-24 16:54:28 | 只看該作者
玲玲師姐,我又來吹下水。 其實都路一定要放很多時間在練習上。當然你發覺跑步比其他活動好時,你或許會放多一些時間在跑步上。好像我上年報渣打時,我本打算只報半馬比賽,因為早兩年我都是報10公里賽事。但師兄們說反正報名費都是一樣,為何不報跑長一些? 我當時想我自己已經有能力跑24公里,若只參加半馬比賽可能真係唔抵。於是膽粗粗越級報了全馬。在比賽前我也不算勤力練習。每星期都只是儲65K左右。每星期一次的長課最長也只走過34K。但在比賽前兩個多月的長課差不多每次也上24-28K。閒日練習約6-10K左右。我不會晚晚去跑,最多只會跑4晚。 我唔贊成先前師兄說每星期只跑一次長課的訓練。因為這樣很難令你肌肉適應那運動量。每星期的增加里數只會令你越跑越辛苦,最後放棄去跑。 

升級   23.16%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-25 12:25:44 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ee_tpk 於 2009-3-23 23:55 發表

不如咁講...因為你之前提既 background 太少.. 講既野又太含糊... 所以令小妹當時有 d 誤會...." />" />" />" />

不過事先聲明..... 我可以為跑步要做少 d gym ga...
其實受傷主要原因係因為身體太累...跟手 ...

ee_tpk ctse, 係架, 其實我一開口想話跑全馬, 當然不是一跑就是跑全馬, 諗下一定是有d底子先會咁問, 我當然唔會好似其它人咁, 想去, 又之前唔做好準備, 埋搞到好多時d人真係比賽時, 傷晒,

我一下定決定去跑, 就一定會放棄d野, 不過,我都會keep 住做weight, 同yoga, 因為我覺得哩兩個運動對跑步好有幫助, 又可以拉筋, 冇咁易傷, 同只腳都唔晒咁粗, 哈, 貪靚


升級   23.16%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-25 12:35:22 | 只看該作者
原帖由 jsmleung02 於 2009-3-24 16:54 發表
玲玲師姐,我又來吹下水。 其實都路一定要放很多時間在練習上。當然你發覺跑步比其他活動好時,你或許會放多一些時間在跑步上。好像我上年報渣打時,我本打算只報半馬比賽,因為早兩年我都是報10公里賽事。但師兄 ...

jsmleung, 多謝你捧場, 令我個topic未死的住, 歡迎你多d來吹水

我都不同意說每星期只跑一次長課的訓練, 就算是半馬都咁話, 我以往是跑半馬, 都是到前3個月先練, 重係兩個week跑一次,有時間先一個week跑一次, 每次加1.5km, 到未幾次練習, 次次都鼓到痕去跑, 因為知自己少 練習, 想一次過有d 練習就跑多d, 不過, 次次跑完, 只腳都好累, 好傷, 都知自己少練習啦, 差d搞到冇的去比賽, 好在都完成著

其實全馬加要放好多時間去練習, 好似你咁, 我都想一個week跑3次, 唔知夠唔夠, 儲夠哩數, 再慢慢上, 如不是, 一定到時比賽實好辛苦, 點解唔平時辛苦, 比賽就會輕鬆d哩個道理我實知,

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發表於 2009-3-25 14:39:50 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lingling 於 2009-3-25 12:35 發表

我都想一個week跑3次, 唔知夠唔夠, 儲夠哩數, 再慢慢上, 如不是, 一定到時比賽實好辛苦, 點解唔平時辛苦, 比賽就會輕鬆d哩個道理我實知...

唔單止要加里數,還要配合跑interval, tempo run先得呀...

升級   76.8%


發表於 2009-3-25 17:35:57 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lingling 於 2009-3-25 12:35 發表

jsmleung, 多謝你捧場, 令我個topic未死的住, 歡迎你多d來吹水

我都不同意說每星期只跑一次長課的訓練, 就算是半馬都咁話, 我以往是跑半馬, 都是到前3個月先練, 重係兩個week跑一次,有時間先一個week跑一次,  ...


升級   23.16%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-26 00:58:52 | 只看該作者
原帖由 jsmleung02 於 2009-3-25 17:35 發表


係架, 你講得一d都冇錯, 玩運動一定要全面, 好似飲食咁要均衡, 跑步或是跳舞是比教"硬"同'陽"個運動, 而yoga, 太極是屬於'軟"同'陰"個運動, 如是兩者都可兼顧, 咁你玩咩運動都不會咁傷, 而且效果會好好, 以上純屬個人意見..........

我都想學太極, 你覺的學成點, 得閒教下小妹

升級   45.45%


發表於 2009-3-26 06:58:25 | 只看該作者
I just randomly click into this topic and it is an interesting topic and discussion.
For me I don't have any personal comment as most of them were expressed by previous ching and ctse.
Here I just give you some references and information about the training plan.
Actually I am training for Gold Coast Marathon on 5/7/09 and it is 15 weeks to go.
It is my debut marathon so I take it pretty seriously about it.
The offical website has outlined some training plans for different kinds of runners, which are shown as below:




If you have read them, you would find that even the plan for beginners is quite serious as it needs to at least run 3-4 days a week. I do agree there are trade off (or opportunity cost) between long distance training and other fancy sports, but you could still make use of some "rest day" to do your faviourite such as Yoga and Body Pump which could also bring benefits for your own preparation. Running magazine in Australia often recommends Yoga and endurance weight training as the recipe for boosting your fitness and running speed.

I hope those information can help you


[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-3-26 07:03 編輯 ]

升級   76.8%


發表於 2009-3-26 11:39:42 | 只看該作者
Hi Michael, how about the route of GC Marathon? it's the same of Grandprix Qld?  I

升級   12.63%


發表於 2009-3-26 13:57:55 | 只看該作者
Hi Everybody,  

Abt full marathon, I would like share with you the follows:  

Mr A  (it's me)
age: 42 /Male / height 185 / weight Kg 105
History : 2006 (10KM) 2008 + 2009 F marathon  (1230 bus before tunnel)
Traning for 2009 (full), abt 3 months, 10% more every two week, Tai Chi two time a week and running 3 times a weeks (abt 30 - 40 kms)
target for 2010:  full marathon within 5:30 with 1oose 10 kgs.

Mr B
Age: abt 50 / height 165 / weight kg 60
History : 2008 + 2009 full marathon,  4: 30 and 4: 28
trainning, abt 3 months, two times a week, abt two hours each.  But he is playing badminton every week for the past 35 years.

Mr C
Age:  abt 30 / height 165 / weight kg 60
history: 2009 full marathon 5: 28
Training, two times a week from one to two hours, but he like running and he run since long time.  

I fully agreed NO GAIN WITHOUT PAIN and what others said is truth.  But I just would like to raise there are different approach toward the full marathon.   For me, marathon is not only a sport, it's a attitude even i still hv a long way to go.    By the time u are pushing yr self, pls talk with yr body and make sure they will not be hurt.  This is most important accoridng to me.   There are peole use Nikon, and there are people use Canon, but they all love photography.

hv a good day!

tks / pgc

升級   23.16%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-27 00:01:49 | 只看該作者
原帖由 michaelyw 於 2009-3-26 06:58 發表
I just randomly click into this topic and it is an interesting topic and discussion.
For me I don't have any personal comment as most of them were expressed by previous ching and ctse.
Here I just g ...

Micheal Ching, thanks for your informaiton.  It is helpful for me, wish you can finish your target and running finally as it is your first time to join, i think you must pay lots of time to training it.

As my experience, I already play Yoga for 8 years and I find it is really useful for you to play other sports, especially for running, it can let you to recover quickly and train more endurance. So I think it help me to finish my Half-marathon for past 3 years easily without lots of training.   However, Full marathon need  long time training and you should pay lots of time to train running.  I think I will not give up my yoga and will still play it less and run more to prepare my F marathon in the coming year.

升級   23.16%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-27 00:13:07 | 只看該作者
[quote]原帖由 pgc 於 2009-3-26 13:57 發表
Hi Everybody,  

Abt full marathon, I would like share with you the follows:  

Mr A,did you play other sports except "Tai Chi" before running?

I think Mr B have good sport training for long time, so he can be easy to finish his marathon although he did not pay long time to prepare his marathon.
Of course, Mr C can finish his marathon as he like and always run for long time

升級   12.63%


發表於 2009-3-28 09:22:47 | 只看該作者
Hi Ling Ling,

I don't hv any good adice to you abt F marathon  bcs I am not serious enough up to now, but this is something I am workng on.  Let's work hard together!!!!!!!!

tks / pgc

升級   23.16%


 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-29 01:16:39 | 只看該作者
原帖由 pgc 於 2009-3-28 09:22 發表
Hi Ling Ling,

I don't hv any good adice to you abt F marathon  bcs I am not serious enough up to now, but this is something I am workng on.  Let's work hard together!!!!!!!!

tks / pgc

yes, i agree, my situation is almost same as you, let us to work hard together, so u will join F marathon next year?

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發表於 2009-4-8 16:31:04 | 只看該作者
lingling ctse 開始準備 FM 未呢...
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