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升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-10-22 23:53:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

The moose part was funny .  It had me cracking up.
+1 0

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發表於 2008-10-23 05:20:01 | 只看該作者

升級   92.85%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-10-23 06:08:55 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Alex 於 2008-10-22 13:20 發表


How about now?


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發表於 2008-10-23 09:13:10 | 只看該作者
Is it part of election campaign? This Pulin is the real one or the fake one.
Oh my god! She is a moose hunter.

升級   92.85%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-10-23 09:46:00 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Alex 於 2008-10-22 17:13 發表
Is it part of election campaign? This Pulin is the real one or the fake one.
Oh my god! She is a moose hunter.

This was the real one!  The fake one (Tina Fey) has a skinny face.  She was in Vegas yesterday.  I was planning to go watch her (no, I am not a Republican!) but found out the line was more than ONE MILE long to get in.  Yep, she goes hunting with her husband all the time.  Most Americans see her as a celebrity rather than a political figure.  

Oh, she ran a sub 4 marathon (3:59) in Alaska back in 2005 before she was the governor.  So not bad, at least she is a runner.

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-10-22 17:48 編輯 ]

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發表於 2008-10-23 10:02:33 | 只看該作者
wa wa

"she ran a sub 4 marathon (3:59)"

so fast !!!!!

"So not bad, at least she is a runner."

agree with u

升級   0%


發表於 2008-10-23 10:05:30 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-10-23 09:46 發表

This was the real one!  The fake one (Tina Fey) has a skinny face.  She was in Vegas yesterday.  I was planning to go watch her (no, I am not a Republican!) but found out the line was more than ONE  ...

So, you like donkey!

升級   100%

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-10-12 00:00
  • 簽到天數: 4 天


    發表於 2008-10-23 10:45:20 | 只看該作者
    原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-10-23 09:46 發表

    This was the real one!  The fake one (Tina Fey) has a skinny face.  She was in Vegas yesterday.  I was planning to go watch her (no, I am not a Republican!) but found out the line was more than ONE  ...

    我仲以為佢係假果個添 :-p

    升級   0%


    發表於 2008-10-23 21:00:37 | 只看該作者
    Palin Rap Lyrics

    my name is sarah palin you all know me
    vice president nominee of the gop
    gonna need your vote in the next election
    can i get a ‘what what’ from the senior section
    mccain got experience, mccain got style
    but don’t let him freak you out when he tries to smile
    cause that smile be creepy
    but when i be vp
    all the leaders in the world gonna finally meet me
    how’s it go eskimo
    tell me what you know eskimo
    how you feel eskimo
    (ice cold)
    tell me tell me what you feel eskimo
    (super cold)
    i’m jeremiah wright cause tonight i’m the preacha
    i got a bookish look and you’re all hot for teacha
    todd lookin fine on his snow machine
    so hot boy gonna need a go between
    in wasilla we just chill baby chilla
    but when i see oil lets drill baby drill
    my country tis a thee
    from my porch i can see
    russia and such
    all the mavericks in the house put your hands up
    all the mavericks in the house put your hands up
    all the plumbers in the house pull your pants up
    all the plumbers in the house pull your pants up
    when i say ‘obama’ you say ‘ayers’
    obama. (ayers) obama (ayers)
    i built me a bridge - it ain’t goin’ nowhere.
    mccain, palin, gonna put the nail in the coffin
    of the media elite
    (she likes red meat)
    shoot a mother-humpin moose, eight days of the week
    [three gunshots]
    now ya dead, now ya dead,
    cause i’m an animal, and i’m bigger than you
    holdin a shotgun walk in the pub
    everybody party, we’re goin on a hunt
    la la la la la la la la
    [six gunshots]
    yo i’m palin, i’m out!

    升級   92.85%


     樓主| 發表於 2008-10-27 05:25:59 | 只看該作者
    Another good one from Saturday's SNL (Saturday Night Live)!

    Will Ferrell is good as Bush in this.


    [ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-10-26 13:29 編輯 ]
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