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2013.1.19-20 Vibram Hong Kong 100


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    2013-10-6 23:50
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    發表於 2012-6-13 12:37:46 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
    News update 最新消息Subject to obtaining all necessary government approvals, the next edition will be held on 19 and 20 January 2013.  Application is expected to be opened in mid September 2012.  在能夠獲得所有政府批准的前提下,下一屆比賽將於2013年1月19及20日舉行。報名預計將於九日中旬開始。 ... spx?EventID=1129642




    「Vibram R 香港100」是一項極考驗耐力的野外長跑賽事。比賽起點為西貢半島北潭涌,沿途經過多個風景區,包括杳無人煙、水清沙幼的海灘、古木樹林、自然遠足徑、水塘和陡險山徑等。整個賽道以麥理浩徑為主線,並特意加插若干風景優美的分岔路線,參賽者在競賽之餘,如畫風光盡收眼簾之下。終段從香港之巔的大帽山沿路而下,整段路程累積登高路程超過4,500米, 參加者必須於32小時內完成。「香港100」集耐力挑戰與風景觀賞於一身,必將為參賽者帶來難忘經歷,熱愛野外賽的人仕萬勿錯過,請即報名為自己留下精采回憶!

    The VibramR Hong Kong 100 is an ultra endurance race that takes place in Hong Kong.  The 100km course starts in Pak Tam Chung on the Sai Kung Peninsula and covers some of the most beautiful scenery in Hong Kong, including remote and unspoilt beaches, ancient forests, nature trails, reservoirs and steep hills.  The course is based around Hong Kong's famous Maclehose Trail, but with some diversions to ensure that runners spend more time in its most scenic sections, as well as finishing with the descent from Hong Kong's highest peak (Tai Mo Shan).  The course involves a cumulative elevation gain of over 4500 meters and the cut-off time is 32 hours.  This is a unique, challenging and beautiful run for the trail running enthusiast and a chance to take part in an unforgettable event.  Join us and make some memories!

    [ 本帖最後由 lewischan 於 2012-9-25 11:45 編輯 ]
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