https://raceresults.com.hk/event ... vp95zUtkXCUyafOPP2A
Date 日期: 7 July 2019年7月7日 (Sunday 星期日)
Location 地點: Catchwater of Shing Mun Reservoir 荃灣城門水塘引水道
Distance 距離: 10km 公里
Registration time 登記時間: 3:30 p.m.下午3時30分
Start time 起跑時間: 5:00p.m. 下午5時 (Men’s Junior and Women 男子青年、女子組)
5:10 p.m. 下午5時10分 (Men’s Open, Senior and Veteran 男子公開、高級及元老組)
Enrolment and Entry fee 報名辦法: To reduce the use of paper, the race only accepts online application. Entry fee is HK$250 each 為支持環保,是次比賽只接受網上報名,報名費每位港幣二百五十元。
Route 路線: Along the catchwater and return at 5 km mark (flat and fast course) 沿引水道跑至5公里處折返 (全平路)
Prize 獎項: $300 catering coupon from MAK KITCHEN for the overall men and women champions. Trophy and Adidas coupons for the top 5 winners of each category. 1st1,000; 2nd800; 3rd500; 4th300; 5th100. 全場男女子冠軍可獲小麥廚房飲食禮券三百元,每組前五名可獲獎盃及adidas禮券分別價值港幣一千元、八百元、五百元、三百元及一百元。
Souvenir 紀念品: A towel and a finisher medal for each participant 每位參加者可得精美比賽紀念毛巾一條及完賽獎牌一枚。
When enrolling for the race, runners may online purchase Naked Running Band (original price $468, now at $350) and/or Beet It Sport - Nitrate 400 (7-bottle package, original price $196, now at $140) in privileged discounted prices. Collection by confirmation email within this year at Gone Running, 16/F, Simsons Commercial Building 137 Johnston Road, Wan Chai. 參加者可於報名時以優惠折扣一併選購Naked Running Band貼身跑步腰帶(原價$468,現售$350) 及/或Beet It Sport - Nitrate 400紅菜頭汁(七盒裝,原價$196,現售$140),並憑確認電郵於本年內前往Gone Running喜跑店舖領取(地址:16/F, 新盛商業大廈, 137莊士敦道, 灣仔),比賽當日不設派發。 |