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練10k 點練好 ??


升級   20.65%


發表於 2009-8-12 14:02:41 | 顯示全部樓層

各位師兄師姐,在美國,很多跑手都稱RUNNER'S WORLD的Smart Plan爲Stupid Plan的.
原因是計劃沒有分階段,練跑的速度也不make sense,而且有時過分aggressive.

如果是專攻10公里的話,我會介紹Daniels Running Formula by Jack Daniels.
若果有興趣跑全或半馬,我會介紹Advanced Marathoning by Pfitzinger/Douglas


升級   20.65%


發表於 2009-8-12 23:06:31 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Left3 於 2009-8-12 22:53 發表
George C-hing

thanks for the book tip, I read Glover's two book back to back, they are good overall and very comprehensive, covering all possible topics on running and training. I keep them handy f ...

Left3 ching,

Pfitzinger/Douglas' Advanced Marathoning is a comprehensive book on marathon preparation.  To be honest with you, when I decided to train for a Marathon in May 08, I knew little about it.  I ran a couple of half for fun as long run training.  I mostly ran 5k's at that time.

Besides talking about the basics, such as running form, nutrition, hydration, fueling during the race, it has lots of materials about the training plans.  

The key difference of the Pfitz method is that no individual type of training run is more important than the others.  Training has to be balanced.  The recovery runs are as important as the tempo runs and the interval runs.  There are lots of mid-long runs, long runs and recovery runs.  This is especially good for runners who have started running in their adulthood.  They usually have a little more speed in shorter distances and lack the endurance to run a good full marathon.

Since different runners have different goals and also want to devote different amount of time to training, the book (at least in the 1st edition) contains suggested plans ranging from 12 weeks, 18 weeks, to 24 weeks.  It also contains plans that have peak mileage ranging from less than 55 miles, 70 miles to more than 70 miles.

As mentioned, the Pfitz method is especially good for "relative" beginners (runners who have been running for a few years, moving up to the marathon or trying to BQ for the 1st time).  This type of runners usually lack the solid mileage volume required to run optimally.  I belonged to this group of runners.

Using the 24 week/70 peak mile plan, I made significant improvements during my training.  When I first started, the 3:20 I needed to qualify for the 2010 Boston was probably too challenging for me.  But a month before my 1st ever Marathon in Dec 08, I realized I have improved a lot and adjusted my goal upward to 3:15.  I managed to go sub 3:15 and was able to BQ one year earlier for the 2009 Boston.

I strongly recommend the Pfitz method.  In fact, using this method, I PRed from 1500m to the full Marathon.  The most surprising was that without doing much intervals except when prescribed by the plan once in a while, I knocked 30+ sec off my 1500m PR recently.

升級   20.65%


發表於 2009-8-12 23:52:41 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Left3 於 2009-8-12 23:17 發表

George Ching
thanks for the super quick response, it sounds good already, I know what I lack is more speed training, interval and farlek etc. although I quite adhere to doing mid to long runs e ...

Definitely let me know if you travel here.  My running club has a fun race every Sat, though I only go once or twice a month.  If you do come here for visit, let's give it a try.
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