allanccl 發表於 2009-11-1 13:19:04

原帖由 小鳥 於 2009-11-1 12:17 發表
有幾多跑友報左名? 香港中旅社可以報名嗎?

Left3 發表於 2009-11-9 14:04:07

上海隊。 。 。
各位備戰如何? ?

TerrySze 發表於 2009-11-10 01:24:47

原帖由 Left3 於 2009-11-9 14:04 發表
上海隊。 。 。
各位備戰如何? ?

Hi Left3兄..我都想跑一次....可惜只腳咬柴,忡未好返...休了2個星期,上海跑唔跑到都成問題:Q :Q :Q

alfredyu 發表於 2009-11-10 11:34:19


ericlms 發表於 2009-11-10 12:27:34

原帖由 TerrySze 於 2009-11-10 01:24 發表

Hi Left3兄..我都想跑一次....可惜只腳咬柴,忡未好返...休了2個星期,上海跑唔跑到都成問題:Q :Q :Q

Terry Ching, don't be upset. You've a good base. Suppose the last 3 weeks is for taper, no more LSD and reduce speed work. In the meantime, avoid any execises which have risks to make further injury on the heel. Take more rest.

Most important, you're better to consult Doctor and hear your body whether the current condition is suitable for running. If you're a runner like me who noone can stop, right? Try switching the remaining workouts to less heel stressful execises which can maintain the aerobic level. If possible, consider walking / swimming / gym / light jog.

Evaluate the condition in the final week, if the feeling is not good, adjust the target and enjoy the atomsphere is also a good idea. Focus on next.

Hope this can help.

Left3 發表於 2009-11-10 14:01:32

Terry Ching

上星期六同onon, gary, cu跑左一轉,除左上大斜外,都ok,琴日早10.5K,今早8.5k,好似隻腳無太緊了,但速度去唔得快, 530/K都好盡好盡。想跑番轉445/K tempo都無可能….

好在上海條路大平,必要時就------   跑+跑+跑+跑+行跑+行跑+行+行+行+行+行+企+企+企..

Alfred Ching,好!星期六25K!條路您話事!

上星期六同onon, gary, cu跑左一轉,除左上大斜外,都ok,琴日早10.5K,今早8.5k,好似隻腳無太緊了,但速度去唔得快, 530 -545/K都好盡好盡。想跑番轉445/K tempo都無可能….


alfredyu 發表於 2009-11-10 22:52:48

今年天氣熱,我都練得唔好, 不過起碼跑左 30k (6min/Km). 星期六打算跑次斜路練下腳力,- 希望可以跑到25K.

6點半開始, 跑上山頂來回有冇興趣呢?

TerrySze 發表於 2009-11-11 12:10:32

原帖由 ericlms 於 2009-11-10 12:27 發表

Terry Ching, don't be upset. You've a good base. Suppose the last 3 weeks is for taper, no more LSD and reduce speed work. In the meantime, avoid any execises which have risks to make further inju ...

HI Ericlms CHING,

You are my "工友隊" teammate in the HM last week but I am sorry that I cannot run for our team. I am very upset because of the injury. I prepare this SH marathon for a half year and it is the critical moment for training now but I stop running and give up all match. I have seen a doctor, he asked me to take rest as well. I feel painful when running fast, so I try to run slowly now. Sometimes I will go to swimming.
My target is I can run in SH marathon at this moment (Forget about the PB........). The most importance for me is ROCOVER, since XM marathon is 8 weeks later. I have another chance to achieve
my PB.

TerrySze 發表於 2009-11-11 12:23:28

原帖由 Left3 於 2009-11-10 14:01 發表
Terry Ching

上星期六同onon, gary, cu跑左一轉,除左上大斜外,都ok,琴日早10.5K,今早8.5k,好似隻腳無太緊了,但速度 ...

比賽前傷佐。。。真係好無奈! 我前晚直情發夢自己只腳好返…
你都要多休息. 你可以跑慢D,KEEP住跑6�K.最重要的是唔好俾體能下降,正如ericlms兄講去swimming / gym。

Left3 發表於 2009-11-11 13:22:16

回復 49# 的帖子

Terry ching
your injured speed probably still faster than my tempo!

Alfred Ching
Run flat ok ma instead of 上山頂練腳力 :'(

TerrySze 發表於 2009-11-11 14:33:17

原帖由 Left3 於 2009-11-11 13:22 發表
Terry ching
your injured speed probably still faster than my tempo!

Alfred Ching
Run flat ok ma instead of 上山頂練腳力 :'(

Not really.... I only walk now...

alfredyu 發表於 2009-11-11 15:05:57

Left3 ching:Do you want to run in happy valley - the advantage of this is that we know exactly how far we run. It will be not so bored if run together. My target speed will be 5.5min/Km

Terry ching: To recover as soon as possible is most important, and there is just one month betweeen Shanghai and Xiamen Marathon. So be relax andfocus on Xiamen .

ericlms 發表於 2009-11-11 15:46:19

原帖由 TerrySze 於 2009-11-11 12:10 發表

HI Ericlms CHING,

You are my "工友隊" teammate in the HM last week but I am sorry that I cannot run for our team. I am very upset because of the injury. I prepare this SH marathon for a half ye ...

Take it easy Ching. Lot of chances. I got the similar case in 2009 SCM, full of confidence to step into sub4 after 6 months of sweating. Nightmare happened 2 days before that date, I reactivated the knee injury in a usual stretching when placing the leg on the fence. Time was not allowed for healing. On that morning, I had difficulty even attempt to walk. Face it. Swear to come back and have to do better in next year SCM.

見Terry Ching組團, 小弟立即報團. 相信有不小Ching可能報團.


TerrySze 發表於 2009-11-11 15:56:04

原帖由 ericlms 於 2009-11-11 15:46 發表

Take it easy Ching. Lot of chances. I got the similar case in 2009 SCM, full of confidence to step into sub4 after 6 months of sweating. Nightmare happened 2 days before that date, I reactivated t ...

Ching I am sorry to hear your experience. You return now. That is good !

Left3 發表於 2009-11-11 18:47:06

Terry Ching, 你会吾会去上海跑呀?

Alfred Ching
总之平路加小斜都OK ge, 又不需跑20个跑马地圈....

不如港岛北岸来回 (小西弯--博父林),其他人有兴致可随时加入....我会约530开跑, 打算9am收工。
Alfred 会唔会出post约跑???

alfredyu 發表於 2009-11-11 19:40:38

5:30開跑? 你真係勁, 好, 我一於陪你跑, 我在北角電 器道城市花園酒店等你 (5:45) - 有冇人會咁早起身?出post嚇親人. 你可以試下.
不過我跑 最多兩個半鐘, 尾段你要自己 捱了.
你打萛跑几快? 5.5min/Km okey 嗎?

TerrySze 發表於 2009-11-12 09:45:56

原帖由 Left3 於 2009-11-11 18:47 發表
Terry Ching, 你会吾会去上海跑呀?

Alfred Ching
总之平路加小斜都OK ge, 又不需跑20个跑马地圈....

不如港岛北岸来回 ...

I will be there since I booked the ticket already.
One of my sister is in SH, if I cannot run, I can still visit her.

allanccl 發表於 2009-11-12 10:27:31

原帖由 TerrySze 於 2009-11-12 09:45 發表

I will be there since I booked the ticket already.
One of my sister is in SH, if I cannot run, I can still visit her.
Terry 兄保重!

Left3 發表於 2009-11-12 13:35:21

Alfred Ching
北角電 器道城市花園酒店等! (5:45)
See you on Sat.

Terry Ching
see u in SH!

alfredyu 發表於 2009-11-12 18:21:57

OK, 星期六見。在電器道等,不用到酒店正門。
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