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2016 National Day Race


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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-10-5 21:02
  • 簽到天數: 1 天


    發表於 2016-6-22 13:20:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
    本帖最後由 leefs 於 2016-6-22 13:24 編輯

    Motor Transport Workers General Union
    2016 National Day Race

    Place: Plover Cove Reservoir Main Dam, Tai Mei Tuk, Tai Po (No 75K bus from Tai Po Market train station). [url=]Google map[/url]

    Date: Saturday, 1st October 2016

    Reporting Time: 7:30am     

    Starting Time: 10k/8:30am  4k/8:35am

    Distance: 4Km (Juniors) (Starting point→1P→finishing point) and
                  10Km (Starting point→1P→2P→3P→finishing point)

    Age Groups & Prizes:

    4k Family Team of 3  Top 3  (timing based on total time of all team members, no age group)

    After 2002   Boys         Top 5     Girls                           Top 5
    1999-2002                    Top 5                                      Top 5

    10k Male Team of 5 /Female Team of 3 (timing based on total time of all team members, no age group)

    1988-1998   Men           Top 8      Women                     Top 5
    1978-1987                    Top 8                                      Top 5
    1967-1977                    Top 8                                      Top 5
    1957-1966                    Top 8                                      Top 5
    1947-1956                    Top 5     1956 or before            Top 3
    1946 or before              Top 5   
    Anniversary Club: Trophy to Top 10 men and Top 5 women in FTU Members category.  
    Special club(no additional charge):Trophy to the Top 5 men
    and the Top 5 women for the disabled except wheelchair and the handicapped in sight

    Souvenir: A souvenir T-shirt

    Registration type and Entry fees:

    * Non-Members (Open to the Public) : HK$130  (HK$120 entry fee +  HK$10 online registration processing fee)
    * Members (FTU members; need to provide organization name and membership number) : HK$110 (HK$100 entry fee +  HK$10 online registration processing fee)
    * Juniors (Born after 1997; registration must be made by the parent or guardian): HK$110 (HK$100 entry fee +  HK$10 online registration processing fee)
    *Special Entry (for members of invited organizations only; access code required): HK$110 (HK$100 entry fee + HK$10 online registration processing fee)

    Quota : 1200  (First come first served; no on-site entry)

    Transportation: Single journey bus to starting point at HK$20 per person departing 6.45am at:
    [Hong Kong] Wan Chai MTR Exit B1 or
    [Kowloon] Kowloon Tong MTR Exit G (beside Old Romantic Hotel)

    Remarks: Please note that the race will be canceled if No 8 or black rainstorm signal is hoisted on the race day. The organizers reserve the right to make any changes and its decision is final.
    Bib tag chip (no deposit; can be kept as a souvenir) is used for this race; certificate for HK$20 (would be mailed within one month).

    Notes for online registration: Please note that after you have successfully registered for the race, you will receive a Registration Confirmation email with your Registration ID, this confirms that you entry has been accepted. In late September will receive notification email for the collection of your Championchip and race number at the Motor Transport Workers Union offices.

    If for some reasons your registration is not successful, you will also receive an email informing you that "Your registration was never completed..."; you try again using the link provided. If you still have problems, please try to use a different credit card and try again, or you can choose to register by post. The entry form is available on this link. Please avoid making duplicated entry; all duplicated entries will not be refunded.

    This online registration is powered by              , please visit              for more information and privacy policy.

    Motor Transport Workers General Union website:





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  • TA的每日心情
    2019-7-1 00:00
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    發表於 2016-6-22 14:42:03 | 只看該作者
    Thank you so much for sharing

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  • TA的每日心情
    2021-3-25 20:48
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    升級   100%

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-10-5 21:02
  • 簽到天數: 1 天


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  • TA的每日心情
    2021-3-25 20:48
  • 簽到天數: 1135 天


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    Thank you so much for sharing
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