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徐國峰: 為什麼練 Long run 不要超過2.5小時?


升級   100%

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-4-1 05:23
  • 簽到天數: 77 天


    發表於 2014-11-29 05:07:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
    /// 徐國峰


    這段話剛好解決了馬拉松跑者最長該練多久的疑惑。這個月在分享《丹尼爾博士跑步方程式》時也有人問到「為什麼丹尼爾建議練馬拉松時,就算到時比賽可能要跑四小時,練Long run也不要超過2.5小時?」後來再問「全馬跑四小時,訓練只練到2.5小時會不會不夠?」

    其實《丹尼爾》一書中只舉了一個例子(中文版57頁),他的意思是說「對初學者來說練跑5小時太長了,如此大的訓練量他們也吸收不了。我懷疑很多馬拉松菁英跑者無法一次用E配速跑5小時,那最少也有60公里,就算跑那麼多也吸收不了。既然連菁英跑者者都做不到,要求剛入門的跑者去練那麼長的時間當然不合理」。雖然文中並沒有明確說明原因。但政龍分享喬福瑞這段,描述得更具體:"You should exercise caution in using runs of 3-hour(or longer)duration, as recovery times are normally 48-72 hours. There are rapidly diminishing returns in running longer than 2.5 hours."(Long run最好不要跑超過3hr, 因為通常會需要2-3天恢復。跑超過2.5hr後會快速的報酬遞減)。很高興讀到這段話。

    /// 謝 政龍

    今日拜讀Going Long的精華~

    Given the stresses associated with running (at any speed), running workouts should rarely be used for active recovery sessions. Recovery workouts are best done on the bike, in the pool, or in another nonimpact activity, such as yoga.

    You should exercise caution in using runs of 3-hour(or longer)duration, as recovery times are normally 48-72 hours. There are rapidly diminishing returns in running longer than 2.5 hours.

    It is far better to do a 2-hour run and be able to get back on your training program after a single recovery day.
    Consistent training is the most important aspect of preparing for an ultraendurance event.

    Long endurance sessions are best done on the bike or as a combination workout.

    --- Joe Friel
    +1 0
    上一篇︰跑步錶主要作用係咪練 pacing下一篇︰面臨重要比賽前該如何減少訓練量?


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    噢!真的嗎⋯⋯  發表於 2014-11-29 19:30
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      發表於 2014-11-29 13:13

    升級   100%

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-4-1 05:23
  • 簽到天數: 77 天


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