bluesky 發表於 2008-4-17 13:28:52


幾年前,完成了一次 中國海岸馬拉松 ,我已滿足了!當時, 7 歲兒子對我說,他將來又要跑馬拉松,我心想,最好就不要參加,因為跑太長很傷膝蓋軟骨的。一位醫生朋友也叫小兒不要跑太長,以免損耗膝蓋軟骨,影響發育,長不高的!真自私,明知長跑有這害處,自己就去跑,又不想子女去參加!


女兒9 歲時,笫一次參加長跑賽。這次就是女子健跑會在山頂舉行的3.5 公里跑賽。起跑處較窄, 一開跑,前排小朋友碰撞, 就有7-8人一起倒下,女兒是其一, 但見她很快就站起來,向前衝出去,這時才放心一點。

跑了19分29秒, 她才跑回終點。那時, 我才察覺她膝蓋正在流血。 我立刻扶她到 St. John 處治理。之後,一家人在山頂拍了幾張照片便離去,反正都應該冇奬拎。當晚上網, 才意外發現女兒在其組別竟得笫二名。第二天,我致電跑會,但她們說奬品在當天 已頒出。女兒十分失望!

我寫了封信比主辦機構說明原委後,她們很快就補寄了一份奬品給小女 (是 一 個 adidas 的背包)並在信中鼓勵她一番。我們都很感動,這分奬品對她意義極大,請讓我在此再感謝女子健跑會的特別安排!


兒子 10 歲, 以前常參加長跑比賽。

在06 年的西區滅罪跑 得笫4 名, 女子健跑會的山頂賽第5 , 南區越野跑也是笫5, 可是,他最喜愛的不是跑步, 而是另外一樣刺激運動。

07 年,他把大部分空餘時間都投入那運動去, 已很少練跑。

記得07 年幫他報名參加了 “飛達”的一個比賽 已忘記名稱,是城門河畔跑的),最初想: 雖然兒子冇練跑,但爛船都有3斤釘,平時都有操體能,幾公里一定冇問題。誰知,他一開跑就用以往的比賽速度去跑,跑回終點時巳面青唇白,有點暈,要人扶。


停了近1 年,最近陪表哥參加了元朗的2.7 km 比賽。他與孖仔 (陳氏兄弟)一組。

哈哈哈!:D :D 他連食塵機會都沒有,孖仔跑得超快,約8 分鍾就跑完( 我估賽道應不足2.7KM)。


他的興趣太多了 !



[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2012-3-24 10:35 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-17 21:04:14

原帖由 kennethwat 於 2008-4-17 13:34 發表

閣下有一對愛玩長跑的子女,小弟羡慕trfyrftufgu" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" /> ﹗平時你對子女有否和閣下一起跑步?

大女升中後, 巳有自己的跑友, 自己的天地, 兒子長跑興趣 巳大不如前, 很久冇一起跑步了.

連續 3年和 孩子參加 親子跑是很辛苦的, 只有今年冇參加.

記得05年和兒子參加那次, 他巳跑回終點, 我還 未見影, 他很緊張.
我過終點時,他很高興, 幾乎 季軍都失了, :)

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2009-2-21 22:09 編輯 ]

Alfred 發表於 2008-4-17 21:44:10


bluesky 發表於 2008-4-18 21:46:54

I have enrolledthe RRAC Summer Run on May 11, 2008 (3 KM ) for my son.

22 days' left.Have to work out the training schedulewith him tomorrow.

May ask him to run a few rounds on running track to check his speed on Sunday.

Note: After 4 Months rest, starts T practice again on April 19(1 hr)

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2008-4-19 08:12 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-20 08:40:52

It's not easy to work out the training schedule.

He has to attend many extra-curricular activities.Apart from piano lesson which is forced by parents, he don't want to miss any lessons of the rest. For a primary five student as he, it is quite hard to handle the school works and spare time for hisinterestst. His mom failed to force him to quit dance.

Monday: Latin dance
Wed   : Chinese Chess
Thur   : Self Practise Taekwondo sparring
Fri       : Chinese Chess
Sat   : Piano, Taekwondo

Agreed with him, he will practise running ,3-4 km , 3 times a week on Wed, Fri and Sun.

Total nine workouts before May 11 race.For the week of the race, he will train on Tue and Thur, then rest for 2 days and attend the race on Sunday.

Today, the weather seems ok, I will check his running speed on running track.

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2009-2-12 19:49 編輯 ]

Alfred 發表於 2008-4-20 11:50:49

回復 8# 的帖子

bluesky 師兄,令公子真係多才多藝,(請恕小弟直言)但見佢密麻麻嘅安排,我諗佢都好少時間去享受個人獨處嘅時間,做吓一D脫離現實嘅嘢。

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-20 12:03:51

Aflred 兄,

He has much times for many 脫離現實嘅嘢,

Watch cartoon after school.
Playing video game.
Latin dance
Ping pong ball (he is now playing with his friends).

They are just for fun. He would not join any competition events of such kind at the moment.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-20 12:07:52

Aflred 兄,

You are right.I also think he has spent too much times on extra-curricular activities.

But,I don't know how to make him quit any of them .

I have already controlled his time on playing video games.

Alfred 發表於 2008-4-20 12:12:23

Quit the one he dislikes the most then.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-20 12:24:11

原帖由 Alfred 於 2008-4-20 12:12 發表
Quit the one he dislikes the most then.

When comparing with others,he may find running is less interesting.
But I would like to him to keep this hobby. So I will enrol some running event for him sometimes in the future.

He has stopped long running for nearly one year.

Alfred 發表於 2008-4-20 12:31:34

ic, thus he has to keep on busy all the time.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-20 21:13:03

He refused to run on running track as he find it boring.So he just went running on a bicycle route this afternoon.3.7 km run for 17 mins.55 seconds .

The running speed is satisfactory. Hope he can gradually improve it in the coming three weeks.

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2008-4-21 12:00 編輯 ]

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-20 21:29:24

To join running club, the kids can make friends with lots of runners in their ages and train and run together.They will enjoy running.

I want my son to join 飛達 Running Club, but they have no training class in Sheung Shui.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-21 08:16:43

原帖由 Alfred 於 2008-4-20 12:31 發表
ic, thus he has to keep on busy all the time.

You are right. But this is his choice.As long as his interests do not affect his school works, we will let him decide.

I won't force him to join any competition events if he don't like them.That's why he stopped joining running competition for one year.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-21 08:19:58

Schedule to let him try to runcompetition route (May 11 race ) this Sunday. It is new to him.

Besides, I have invited twofriends of his Taekwondo class to join May 11 race.
More friends, more fun.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-21 12:26:50



最初我抱著他行,倍 著他走,


Daddy , Daddy, 我如何能快跑?


Daddy, Daddy,您為何不能快跑!

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2009-2-11 11:21 編輯 ]

alfredyu 發表於 2008-4-21 20:14:53

我個仔九歲,現在可參加3公里比賽,速度慢我50%, 如果佢肯跑落去,睇住佢會快過我,都真係一種樂趣-

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-21 22:54:23

原帖由 alfredyu 於 2008-4-21 20:14 發表
我個仔九歲,現在可參加3公里比賽,速度慢我50%, 如果佢肯跑落去,睇住佢會快過我,都真係一種樂趣-

Agreed. It's a pleasure to see their gradual improvement in running. Hope your son can run faster than you in the near future.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-21 23:13:25

原帖由 kennethwat 於 2008-4-21 12:38 發表

CHING 閣下都應該開心gfjghkhjk ,因為閣下兒子青出於藍,是因為有你這個名師才可以出到高徒tfyftyftyfrty 。另外小弟覺得,長跑因為到中年而體力不如前,只會影響少少,而現在三張以上的小弟,近三個月先開始學 ...

I am just an average runner.So he can't learn much from me.Of course, I am happy to see him run faster than me.I just feel time really flies.

bluesky 發表於 2008-4-21 23:19:46

He has a running nose tonight. May catch a cold.

Will acompany him to practise speed run tomorrow evening if he is ok.
Hope I can leave the office on time.

[ 本帖最後由 bluesky 於 2008-4-21 23:30 編輯 ]
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