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How to choose right running shoes


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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-10-14 20:19
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    發表於 2015-8-6 23:01:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
    Just read an article in New York Times

    "It soon became clear to the researchers that most of our beliefs about running injuries and shoes are, in fact, myths.
    Pronation, for instance, does not seem to be a problem requiring correction. In the one large-scale experiment studying pronation, almost 1,000 novice runners, some of whom pronated and some of whom did not, were given the same running shoes and followed for a year.
    At the end of that time, many of the runners with normal feet and form — who did not overpronate — had become injured, but a much smaller percentage of those who overpronated had been sidelined.
    Dr. Nigg and his colleagues write in their review that this finding suggests “that a pronated foot position is, if anything, an advantage with respect to running injuries.”
    Similarly, they found little evidence that forcefully striking the ground causes injuries or that changing or removing your shoes alters those impacts much anyway.
    Perhaps most unexpected, running shoes designed to somehow “fix” someone’s running form turned out often to be ineffective and even counter-productive. In a series of studies, when military recruits were assigned running shoes meant to control their particular level of pronation, those soldiers were as likely, or even more so, to sustain running-related injuries than soldiers given shoes at random"

    文章的結論是.......你穿起來 "舒服" 便是 適合你的鞋。
    +1 2
    上一篇︰徐國峰: 初馬跑者的建議是:練勤一點,但量少一點下一篇︰2015年8月7日簽到記錄貼


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    2019-7-1 00:00
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    發表於 2015-8-6 23:41:40 | 只看該作者
    Thanks for sharing!!!

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    2016-11-15 09:22
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