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2014.4.20 日本長野馬拉松 (26/OCT 開始報名)


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發表於 2014-1-7 10:29:44 | 顯示全部樓層
炒炒 發表於 2014-1-6 17:36
時間尚早, Worst case 我報佢個 Package 又或者我早一日過去行一轉幫師兄拿埋.

As we have booked the offical hotels near the nagano station, we may able to help you to collect the runner package and then give to you on the race day la......


Thx, I haven't finalized my plan yet.  詳情 回覆 發表於 2014-1-7 12:19

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發表於 2014-1-7 10:44:55 | 顯示全部樓層
By the way, I have booked a room 上田 (3 mins from 上田 station)..... The room can fit for 5 ppl....
We haven't finalized our planning yet but surely we will have spare room available for you...

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發表於 2014-1-7 13:41:54 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Samuel 於 2014-1-7 13:45 編輯
柔詠 發表於 2014-1-7 13:02
Official hotel 是否比其他平hotel / 民宿貴好多?勝在方便,近?

Originally those offical hotels most are in the nagano city .... I reserved few rooms for the hotel near Nagano Station.....The prize is fair not esp expensive....

Howeer I booked in the beginning but still cannot get enough rooms as we have few ppl....

I think now the offical hotels available for foreigner are pretty expensive.... and not easy to access.... the only advantage is the transportation arrangement from the hotel to the race start point..........

Now even 上田 doesn't have any room avaiable for the hotel near station............ From 上田, taking train to Nagano station is around 15mins.......


已收到官方回覆, 佢O既答案係NO 其實都預左, 如果我地又真係訂不到近D的酒店而有師兄真係方便代取, 真是十分感激...  詳情 回覆 發表於 2014-1-8 00:15
我其實見上田東橫有 Room, 不過非會員只可三個月前 Book 房 Official 既 Hotel 有兩款 一款係長野站附近, 價錢合理不過已 Full 一款係山旮旯貴好多 (但有溫泉), 有旅遊巴直車你去起點. 仲有得幫你運埋行李去長野站  詳情 回覆 發表於 2014-1-7 16:23

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發表於 2014-1-8 09:58:33 | 顯示全部樓層
小力奇 發表於 2014-1-8 00:16
已收到官方回覆, 佢O既答案係NO
其實都預左, 如果我地又真係訂不到近D的酒店而有師兄真係方便代取, 你依 ...

上田東橫有 Room, 不過非會員只可三個月前 Book 房
Tokyo Inn in 上田 still has rooms but it cannot be booked for non-member until 19Jan.  You may try to book on 19 Jan.  If still cannot book it, you may consider to share room (either in Nagago City or 上田
) with us.  Or we can help you collect the runner package and then pass to you on the race day lor...


我想我多數會 Book 上田東橫, 或 19 號睇吓長野 sun route hotel 有冇房. 不過我咪想到上田住幾多日  詳情 回覆 發表於 2014-1-8 11:42

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發表於 2014-4-15 08:59:25 | 顯示全部樓層
柔詠 發表於 2014-4-14 19:16
大家有無同行的親友唔跑, 但想中途幫自己拍照............小弟仲未幫老虎搵到邊個距離, 位置 (佢一人易坐車 ... about consider taking photos around the Nagano Station (around 7/8km) and then the area near the finish point ..... as look like after nagano station... those areas are not easy to access without car..........

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發表於 2014-5-2 13:19:30 | 顯示全部樓層
wongkel 發表於 2014-5-2 11:22

The access code is '0420'.

It is also included in the runner package .........
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