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Accurate Pacing Challenge Cup


升級   100%

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-10-5 21:02
  • 簽到天數: 1 天


    發表於 2011-6-30 11:40:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
    Race Date:    17th July' 2011 (Sun)

    Organiser:    Sports For Youth Foundation   

    Co-organiser:    Sportsoho

    Supporting Organization:

    Aim:    Promote & encourage sports;  spread joy and energy to community.

    Race Venue:    Lawn next to the Hong Kong Disney Resort Area

    Starting Time:    10:00am

    Route:    (Individual) 6km  (ie. 2-round track running)
                  (Mixed Relay) 3km x 2  (ie. 1-round track running for each)

    Track:    62.5% concrete roads,  37.5% lawn

    Category:   (Individual) Male /
                      (Individual) Female /
                      (Mixed Relay) 1 male + 1 female

    Awards:    The first three winners of each category will be awarded trophy and prize.

    Rewards:    Prize for achieving target will be presented to those -
                       Time variation no more than 15 seconds (for Individual) /
                       Time variation no more than 30 seconds (for Mixed Relay)

    Format of Race:    1) Participants are required to declare the target completion time during application.
                                  2) Participants cannot bring timer during the race.
                                  3) After finished the race, difference between target completion time and actual completion
                                      time will be counted.   Having least time variation will be the winner.
    Timing:    Timing chip will be provided by organiser.

    Time Limit:    1 hr 15 min

    Entry Fee:    (Individual) HK$90
                        (Mixed Relay) HK$150
    Others:    1) Water stations are provided in the mid way.
                2) Supplies and souvenirs will be distributed to race participants starting from 8:00am on the race date.
    +1 0
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    升級   100%


    發表於 2011-7-17 21:48:44 | 只看該作者
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