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(明報) 跑而優則教 前港隊變博士 開馬拉松訓練班


升級   97.05%


發表於 2008-11-15 13:12:26 | 顯示全部樓層


當年很厲害,中長跑(800m, 1500m)無人唔識,
好似現在的陳家豪在15K - 21K 禁無敵嫁。

當年小弟在讀書時期參加新界學界比賽,400m 就係輸比佢,
無計佢實力真係好勁,佢頌教我路數叫我開頭跑快 D,
我係第 6線 一開始就放,由200m 帶到 300m ,
入直路最後 100m 才聽到後面有鞋聲追來(當年跑界限街頌係沙地場)
慢慢禁接近,離終点前 60-70m就被佢過咗。
佢跟住第二日破埋800m全港學界紀錄,好似 2' 04 左右
呢過時間在當時田徑公開賽入硬 前3名 。
當年好似係1975 or 1976 年,哈哈! 唔覺、唔覺又幾+年啦!

佢前年跑 全馬 頭 10K 係 42'分度,你話呢隻爛船 D 釘 有幾重呢!

升級   97.05%


發表於 2008-11-15 18:44:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 SantoriniIsland 於 2008-11-15 18:00 發表
He used to be the best mid distance runner in the 80s.  I still remembered that he broke the 800m HK record at Wan Chai Sports Ground in the year of 1984 or 1985 at the time of 1'53 or 1'54 where I wa ...

game helper ---- you mean athletic judge ?
Mostly, on that time the athletic likes to be an athletic judge.
I was also the athletic judge of HKAAA and was the first judge team
organized by HKAAA. However, I was not run anymore in year 1981.
Otherwise, may be I will know you.

Are you still running now ?

升級   97.05%


發表於 2008-11-17 14:16:13 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 SantoriniIsland 於 2008-11-16 01:27 發表
I am not qualified as the judge.  During those days, each club had to nominate several members to assist the game during the racing season.  I had been asked to do it several times as my secondary sch ...

Oh ! I see.

你都keep 得唔錯,我2004年 開始跑番,目標渣打10K,但一次意外加上練得太勁,弄傷咗双膝,
要睇物理治療醫成三個月,果年勉強去跑成績 51',双腳痛足三日,跟著兩年都係間中跑吓,幾年無
進步都係50'左右, 2007年改跑半馬比較花了時間練,做到時間 1 hr 45' 自已都好滿意,今年加大
目標 ,年中練得唔錯,但最近又再次弄傷舊患(双膝),現在都係我就住練要養傷,明年半馬的成績

Nike 10K 今年報唔到,你跑好你的目標時間!

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