711FF 發表於 2011-7-29 10:23:55

原帖由 stephenyau 於 2011-7-29 00:21 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

聽講佢之前係一個玩跳繩既高手, 呢個對跑步來講係絕對一個好好既底.當然日常既練習佢亦非常勤力....!

7兄, 係咪真係做sub38....?


sub 38 咪玩啦..現在只係想練好基本功改好d跑姿..

shogikin 發表於 2011-7-29 11:39:50

原帖由 stephenyau 於 2011-7-29 00:23 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

堅堅, 如果你5k 係跑到22分以下, sub 44 應該難唔到你....!

聽過你說跑10K 易過跑5K (時間x2)



Kin in Running

[ 本帖最後由 shogikin 於 2011-7-29 11:43 編輯 ]

stephenyau 發表於 2011-7-29 11:45:07

原帖由 GRACE@ 於 2011-7-29 10:23 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
謝謝紀生和Stephen 的悉心教導! :loveliness:


Will you come again next week?

:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness:

runrun 發表於 2011-7-29 13:34:04

Thank you Stephen and 紀生!

I 'll join the 2-month coming programme in Shatin.

GRACE@ 發表於 2011-7-29 13:59:40

原帖由 stephenyau 於 2011-7-29 11:45 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif


Will you come again next week?

:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness:


Sure! Will come to support you la:loveliness:

winner1 發表於 2011-7-29 15:24:18

改好跑form才想時間 x 2

stephenyau 發表於 2011-7-29 15:46:46

原帖由 GRACE@ 於 2011-7-29 13:59 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif


Sure! Will come to support you la:loveliness:

Grace, you make me so proud of you.......:lol

stephenyau 發表於 2011-7-29 15:54:40

原帖由 runrun 於 2011-7-29 13:34 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Thank you Stephen and 紀生!

I 'll join the 2-month coming programme in Shatin.

RunRun Ctse,

This is my pleasure to run with you at Shatin.....:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness:

swtcheng 發表於 2011-7-29 17:54:02

原帖由 stephenyau 於 2011-7-29 00:18 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif大師兄, 呢個時間係準備sub43 既先兆!你上次4k 既時間係....?
多謝史SIR 鼓勵.... sub43......諗都唔敢諗住........改靚個跑姿先講....

711FF 發表於 2011-8-1 09:25:11

原帖由 stephenyau 於 2011-7-29 00:18 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

大師兄, 呢個時間係準備sub43 既先兆!你上次4k 既時間係....?

711FF 發表於 2011-8-2 15:43:55

史sir 明天要唔要早小小到場.交報名表及繳費.

MatthewTse 發表於 2011-8-2 20:04:12

史sir 七兄明晚見再玩過。

stephenyau 發表於 2011-8-3 12:55:43

原帖由 711FF 於 2011-8-2 15:43 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
史sir 明天要唔要早小小到場.交報名表及繳費.

I will try my best to come earlier.But now I am working at TKW ....:Q & off duty at 6:15pm normally...:'(

stephenyau 發表於 2011-8-3 12:58:57

原帖由 MatthewTse 於 2011-8-2 20:04 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
史sir 七兄明晚見再玩過。

Tonight probably I won't run with you because I need to take fully rest for my Hip Iliotibial Sydrome....:'(

But I will monitor both of you to keep running.....faster faster faster....!:victory: :victory: :victory:

lewischan 發表於 2011-8-3 13:53:42

原帖由 stephenyau 於 2011-8-3 12:55 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gifI will try my best to come earlier.But now I am working at TKW ....:Q & off duty at 6:15pm normally...:'(
史sir, 沙田對我真系好遠, 上2次放工要回家開車才剛剛趕到, 要過2條隧道。(東隧和大老山)

stephenyau 發表於 2011-8-3 14:13:44

原帖由 lewischan 於 2011-8-3 13:53 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

史sir, 沙田對我真系好遠, 上2次放工要回家開車才剛剛趕到, 要過2條隧道。(東隧和大老山)

I will discuss with ah Gi to consider more training site in coming future.We can discuss further toight....OK?

How about Kowloon Bay at Wednesday night?

711FF 發表於 2011-8-3 14:20:30

原帖由 stephenyau 於 2011-8-3 12:58 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Tonight probably I won't run with you because I need to take fully rest for my Hip Iliotibial Sydrome....:'(

But I will monitor both of you to keep running.....faster faster faster....!:victor ...


stephenyau 發表於 2011-8-3 14:34:02

原帖由 711FF 於 2011-8-3 14:20 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif


I don't think that you will 慢JOG咩......!:lol

炒炒 發表於 2011-8-3 15:45:51

原帖由 stephenyau 於 2011-8-3 14:13 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gifI will discuss with ah Gi to consider more training site in coming future.We can discuss further toight....OK?How about Kowloon Bay at Wednesday night?
Kowloon Bay 正呀, 我夠近

lewischan 發表於 2011-8-3 16:53:33

原帖由 stephenyau 於 2011-8-3 14:13 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gifI will discuss with ah Gi to consider more training site in coming future.We can discuss further toight....OK?How about Kowloon Bay at Wednesday night?

我覺得應該先開了班, 無謂因為我們一小部份人影響大多數人, 我覺得住九龍和東鐵沿線的人總比香港的多。
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