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樓主: Alfred
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升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-9-1 08:22:48 | 顯示全部樓層

Both heel and forefoot at the same time after a 5K?  Never happened to me before!  Were you running in a different form or shoes?  Or running on a different surface (asphalt or concrete)?

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-9-2 22:59:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Sounds like many of you are developing plantar fasciitis (筋膜炎) to me.  Try stretch your foot more before running and after running,  After running, ice it and take a couple of anit-inflammatory pills. If no improvement in a week or so, go see a doctor and get a XRay to see if the pf has developed into a heel spur (骨刺).

BTW, I have the same problem since last August.  I had no choice but to cut down my running, slow donw my speed and cancel many marathons that I've planned to run the past year.  Currently I am 80% healed.  I did get a xray and my pf did turn into a heel spur.

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-9-2 23:02:35 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Alfred 於 2008-9-1 23:01 發表


If it is pf, the more you run, the more pain you will get and it won't heal.  You need to confirm if it is indeed plantar fasciitis.  I am not sure if you have pf because the pain is usually at midfoot and heel area. Not forefoot like you mentioned.

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-9-2 07:04 編輯 ]

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-9-3 00:07:09 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Alfred 於 2008-9-2 07:15 發表
Thank you for your explanation.

Alfred hing, you are more than welcome, hope you get better soon.  I hate pf, it is very difficult to heal completely for runners.

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-9-4 13:28:24 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi quiet water hing,

It has been exactly 12 months since I developed pf.  I stopped running for 3 weeks when I first found out.  I went swimming instead and I thought I got better. When I started running again, the pain flared up in about 15 minutes.  I rested for another 2 weeks, still not cured.  So I started going to see a physiotherapist.  I went to 18 sessions altogether, I listened to everything the PT told me to do. 18 sessions later, still no good.  But like you said, I am also a 40+ old guy.  I need to run!!!!  So I started running on grass surface for about 1 month and it seem to help a little.  The pain didn't go away nor did it get worse.  I have since cancelled a few marathons and cut down my training.  I didn't  run on hard surface for about 3 months. 6 months later, I convinced myself that it was about time to get a xray to see if the pf turned into a heel spur which it did.  Now I still have pf but it only tries to attack me when I run pass 30 km.  

So my advise to you is ~ Rest up for about a month to see if it gets better.  If not, just go ahead and run again but slow down the pace and cut down everything,  I think it will heal eventually but since we are runners, it will take longer time to heal than non runners, unless we don't run at all.

You can also try wearing this to sleep.  Good luck.

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-9-3 21:44 編輯 ]

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-9-8 04:53:25 | 顯示全部樓層
靜水兄 ~

以下係少少小弟醫pf時守集倒嘅info. 閣下不防參考吓:

小弟做過嘅物理療程 ~ ultrasound (phonophresis) and iontophresis.

另外還有一些特別療程小弟唔知HK有冇. 但因insurance唔cover, 成US$60 per session, 所以小弟冇去做, 但聽很多runners講都很有效:

ART (Active Release Techniques)

Graston Technique

ASTYM Treatment

以上嘅療程係針對 soft tissue injuries 的 and is done by chiropractor or specially trained physiotherapist.

如pf很嚴重, 亦可以去podiatrist處打cortisone shot落heel喥.

原帖由 pwong5618 於 2008-9-4 23:31 發表

pwong兄 ~

閣下講得很對, 小弟跑了差不多成30年, 依家做咗全馬跑痴! 希望重可以跑多30年, 所以依家唔敢去盡, 得閑才練吓LSD, 驚住傷咗連工也不能返, 咁就大鑊過大鑊囉!  現只希望輕輕鬆鬆跑完全程.  呢個係小弟嘅 running philosophy.  亦希望嚟緊嘅每月一個嘅三個全馬可順順利利完成!

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-9-7 13:34 編輯 ]

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-10-9 15:27:39 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Andy 於 2008-10-8 21:14 發表
..................Don't know whether it is too much to me.  But it will be clear if I take an X-ray film after consultation with the Doctor.

Hi Andy hing,

If xray does not show any damage but the pain persists. try get a CAT Scan or even MRI becasue xray only shows bone damage, if it is soft tissue damage, you need a CAT scan or MRI to confirm it.  Good luck!

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-10-19 12:19:19 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi quiet water hing ~

Thanks for your update.  It sounds pretty interesting!  I hope you get better soon but just be patient.  I did a FM two weeks ago and it was fine, just a little sore after 22 miles, I felt the PF tried to attack me but I didn't let it happen.  I didn't run as fast as I used to be, it was rainning the whole time anyway.  I have one HM and two FM to do in 57 days.  I also pray for myself that everything goes smoothly with no injuries.   Good luck to you again.

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-10-22 23:23:57 | 顯示全部樓層
quiet water hing ~

Have you checked out my post #24?  I've listed some alternative techniques of treating PF used in North America.  May be you can find it in HK.

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-10-29 13:56:57 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi joejoe c tse ~

小弟都祝閣下早日康復.  將近14個月了, 小弟的PF都好得7788. 依家通常要跑到30K左右才開始想出動attack小弟. 所以小弟都係就住就住黎跑, 都唔敢去盡狂奔呀!

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-10-28 22:03 編輯 ]

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-10-30 00:16:25 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 JoeJoe 於 2008-10-29 06:59 發表
靜水兄同lvrunner兄做咩當左我係c tse呀

  Sorry joejoe hing, I guess yours has the "e" to it.  But jojo is definitely a female name.
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